Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And Audrina thinks she's Madonna!

Happy Halloween!

That dress isn't the most flattering!

Not her best look ever.

Classy and Flirty at the same time, well played!

Kristin does good with color.

Trick or Treat - I think with LC it's obvious, she's turning tricks!

Well, LC's inner and outer ho did come out this past weekend at Les Deux in LA!

Lauren tells you how to get her in the SACK! I thought you just had to be another reality star?

Ever think that Hills star Lauren Conrad is too picky about guys? Maybe it's due to the awful passes she's been subjected to!
"Pickup lines have become so cheesy, people hear them as a joke now," Conrad, 21, says in the new issue of Us Weekly.
Some of the worst pickup lines she's heard? "A guy the other day said, 'You're a smoking babe and I think you should call me,' and handed me his number," Conrad says, adding, "I just wonder if that's ever actually worked. 'Smoking babe'?"
And there's worse!
"I had a guy come up to me and ask for a Band-Aid and I said, 'No, I don't have a Band-Aid.' Then he said, 'You're supposed to ask me why,'" she tells Us.
When the ever-friendly Conrad played along and asked him, the pickup artist replied, "Because I scraped my knee when I fell for you." Conrad recalls, "I didn't understand it. I was like, 'Did you really fall?'" (Is LC Really that dumb?)
Still, Conrad realizes it can be intimidating for anyone -- including herself -- to approach members of the opposite sex. She admits, "I've pretended to know a guy before" in order to get his attention. "I said, 'I think I know you from somewhere.'"
Adds Conrad, "It's hard to walk up to someone out of nowhere and be like, 'Hi, I'm Lauren.'"

Whitney went to HS with Spencer!

She's known to the masses as Lauren Conrad's quiet sidekick and confidante, but now Whitney Port has spoken upabout her co-stars, TV notoriety, her on-camera persona and much more onYo on E!.

Port, 22, recently chatted with Yo host Michael Yo on his XM and Sirius radio show, airing at 4pm ET/5pm PT on XM 162 and Sirius Radio Channel 107.

Read on for excerpts!

On the show's instant success:“It’s weird. I watch[ed] Laguna Beach and all these other ones - I got fascinated, too. The show a form of escape. Everyone is a little bored with their own lives so they like watching us mess up.”

On her bond with co-star Lauren Conrad:“We definitely hang out. She’s not one of my best friends, I’ll be honest, but she’s definitely a cool girl.”

On her decision to not appear on camera as much this season:“I came on to the show just wanting a fashion internship. It was never my idea to be on a reality show and it was always really important to me to keep my private life intimate. I just wanted to be shown in the office.”

On Speidi:“They are really nice to me. I went to high school with Spencer, so I have a whole different perspective on him. I think that they are trying to get some attention but I don’t think they are truly bad people. I don’t think they are really as bad as they seem. MTV has clearly made them the enemy.”

On SexTapeGate:“I cant even talk about it anymore. It happened so long ago and is so Over! It’s the last thing Lauren wants.

Lunch with Nicole Richie? That's kind of an OXYMORON!

Nicole dudn't eat! Is Audrina the Incredible Hulk with those purple pants? And LC's boobs are as saggy as ever!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Talan speaks, just what we need, someone without a high school degree talking!

Remember Talan Torriero, the Laguna Beach cutie who enjoyed many romantic entanglements on the show (including one with bad girl Kristin Cavallari) before dropping out in season two?

The former reality star—and now actor—tells PEOPLE that those rumors about the show, and its spin-off, The Hills, being less than totally factual are, well, kinda true.

“They kind of found out who did what, who liked this person and who liked that person, and almost created characters,” says Torriero. “When you watch it, it has the dynamics of a real show. Laguna Beach was as real as all reality shows. And it was shot in a way that people thought, is this real or is this fake?”

The LB playboy, who appeared on a second-season episode of Kathy Griffin’s My Life on the D-List series and has nearly half a dozen upcoming movie roles (including the comedy Senior Skip Day with Norm McDonald and American High School, with the ex-Mrs. Ian Ziering, Nikki Schieler Ziering), also talked about his former Laguna friends and costars, Lauren Conrad and Jason Wahler.

On His Pals Lauren and JasonConrad, he says, is still a good friend, whose success with The Hills is very deserved.

“I talk to Lauren all the time. She’s one of my best friends,” Torriero says. “We had a time where we didn’t really talk, because we just fell out of touch. Recently, I ran into to her and we started hanging out again. She’s a great girl . . . The Hills is humongous . . . It’s definitely not a bad thing to be in your early 20s and have your own show on MTV and your own clothing line. She has a great future.”

As for Wahler, Torriero’s high school pal and Conrad’s trouble-plagued ex, Torriero says he doesn’t “really talk to Jason . . . At the end of the day, I know that he’s a great guy just from knowing him when I was a kid. We just all have different ways of dealing with hard times.”

On Dating Cougars Torriero also talked about his famous girlfriends, rumored fling Tara Conner, who he calls a “good girl” who “inspired me a lot, because she’s a girl who was put under a microscope by the entire nation, if not the world, and she was able to overcome adversity.” As for being her current boyfriend, Torriero denies it, saying the Miss USA is “just a good friend.”

And the 20-year-old (who turns 21 on Nov. 2) also explains his appeal to “older women,” including Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger, 29, and one-week fiancée Kimberly Stewart, 28.

“You know what it is? . . . I matured a lot faster than other people. A lot of the girls my age, not all of them, like to play games and . . . I don’t necessarily like to do that,” Torriero says. “I think older women go on a date with me, and then they say, ‘Wait, how old are you again?’ And then they’re like, ‘Well I’m already dating you, I might as well keep dating you’ . . . I’m not necessarily going after cougars or anything. At the end of the day, it’s just about being happy.”

—Kimberly Potts, with reporting by Haiwen Lu

Photo: Ramey; Steve Granitz/Wireimage

Kristin hits the airport and unlike Spencer and Heidi, it's REAL!

Again, good style!

Kristin out shopping

She has a good style

Lauren shoots for Mark Cosmetics Again

First, she is SO not a model and second, I bet she is a NIGHTMARE to work with!

Hills Episode Wrap

Turns out, it's not all fun in the sun on The Hills.
This week's episode focuses on Lauren and Whitney's internship duties at Teen Vogue, and - gasp! - actually shows them doing something other than sitting at their computers gossiping all day. Maybe these stars really are just like Us!
As the all-important Fashion Week approaches, Whit and LC are whisked away to New York City by boss Lisa Love to discuss party-planning for a mag bash at Teen Vogue's Manhattan HQ. But just as soon as the girls pack their bags for the Big Apple, we learn that Whitney will be a busy little worker bee while her counterpart is off "assisting" at a Marc Jacobs model casting.
Back at Teen Vogue's nerve center, Whitney's sweating blonde bullets presenting project deets to the suits, who throw her curve-ball questions! (Does it really matter how many trees or lighting fixtures there are at the venue?)
But our girl pulls through just as we knew she would, wiping the sweat off her brow just before her bestie returns from the swanky showroom. Lauren gushes that she met Jacobs himself and fortunately managed to shy away from any boys named Gavin.
With the NYC presentation in the can, the girls head back home, where Brody and Spencer's dude-vorce is getting ugly. The gist: Brody won't return Spencer's phone calls, presumably because he's still miffed at Speidi for those rumors.
But all is well and good once Bro-dog has a heartfelt gossip sesh with LC, who admits she doesn't want to be held responsible for the boys' break-up. Brody appears to agree, but, if you ask Us, it looked like he was hoping for a little less conversation and a little more action.

The Bunney HO, HO, HO! And a little LC and Whitney tossed in!

Frankie is in no way shape or from good looking much like Spencer. Does Brody hang with a fugly crew to look better? Yes, I think he does!

LC tramps it up for Halloween!

A sailor? LAME! Audrina as Raggady Ann? LAME x 5! How about something creative? Or atleast super trampy? Halloween should bring out your inner ho!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Where is Paris's eye?

That is messed up, she needs surgery for that, I have never seen a lazy eye like that!

Justin Bobby kind of looks like the caveman from the Geiko commercials!

If you like dumb, dirty guys, he's your man!

Ummm, Lauren I really don't need you telling people what to wear, your style if you can call it that is AWFUL!

It’s no secret that we covet Lauren Conrad’s easy style — so we had to know what her favorite things are! The Hills star let PEOPLE in on her fall must-haves — and we are thrilled at how affordable a few of them are. L.C. loves her heels, and among her favorite pairs are the “Rio-8″ spectator Dolce Vitas. Says lauren, “I love Mary Janes, they’re really cute. This pair of Dolce Vita’s make me tall.” The California girl likes sticking with easy breezy dresses but when she does slip into a pair of jeans she opts for the Lux high waisted three button jean. Her dress of choice? The Audrina, from her namesake clothing line. “I love the Audrina dress. All the pieces are comfortable and emulate my personal style.” The designer’s favorite accessory is a Hamsa hand red string bracelet. “This was a gift from friends when I was having a hard time. It protects me,” says Lauren. And when it comes to fragrance, Lauren loves her Miss Dior Cherie.

Never do that again Spencer!

They both look just SCARY! What a couple of tools!

LC stops to hug Brody before picking up the booze!

Lc is a fashion disaster, red purse, brown and black, what a mess!

LC is a bigtime alchy!

The corona is good though I like Sol better but that damn Jose Cuervo is some cheap firewater! I mean splurge the for the Patron Silver atleast!

This proves to me Brody might be gay or atleast bi!

And whats up with the beard?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Audrina and Justin Bobby d-r-a-m-a outside da club! Love it!

Lc's a bitch in real life? NO WAY!

How long is MTV going to keep claiming their staged hit "The Hills" is really a reality show?A spy at Lauren Conrad's New York debut of her self-named clothing line complained she was nothing like her good-girl image off-camera."Lauren was in the booth and rolling her eyes the entire time she was there when the cameras weren't on," said a snitch at the Coterie trade show."She was obnoxious to buyers as they were shopping in her booth and refused to say hello. But when the cameras turned on, Lauren immediately perked up and pretended to be interested."Blogging "Hills" fans also made fun of the show this week, by pointing out a sequence allegedly of her on a date, and reflecting on it afterward. (Somehow, she had found time to change her hair and nail polish.)The show's "villains," Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, were recently ridiculed for staging arrival and departure scenes at LAX, when she was supposed to have to gone to Colorado in the space of a wardrobe change.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Look, I think we all know the Hills is not totally REAL!

Perez points out an interesting continuity problem during last night's episode of The Hills: Lauren's nail polish goes from red to nonexistent, supposedly within minutes. "LIES all LIES," he says.But if we wanted real life—and not a faux docudrama that turns every minor moment into an over-the-top soap opera—then we'd just turn the camera on ourselves. And how boring would that be?

I mean I will be the first to say the last episode was not particularly well edited, I mean Brody's cast was on and off more than LC's knickers on a Saturday night but I think we all figured out a long time ago there is a lot of CREATIVE EDITING to make the show more interesting. Obviously Perez is a little late to this party.

Lets face it, we watch the show for the DRAMA.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

True or False?

I have heard that much like you can't drink a gallon of milk and hold it down, I have heard that for some reason it is not possible to swallow a spoonful on cinnamon? True?

Heidi and Spencer make up more stories, this time about fighting fires!

The Hills may have been put on the map by MTV, but in real life the hills near Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag’s Los Angeles-area home nearly went up in smoke.
The reality TV couple talked to Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS FM morning show Monday about being trapped by a fire Sunday afternoon near their home. After Montag ran to call 911, she grabbed the garden hose and the couple tried to contain the fire.
Montag recounts, “Spencer was literally down there putting out the fire and I was screaming at him ‘Come back here, the firemen are coming!!’”
“It was her and I putting out the fire with the hose,” Pratt, 24, tells Seacrest. “Until the firemen got there. They were fast.” As the firemen arrived and the fire continue to creep up on the surrounding houses, the couple was told to “get out of here” so the firefighters could do their job.
“The fire is out now,” Pratt told Seacrest Monday morning. But the situation made fiancée Montag, 21, stop and realize this wasn’t a stunt for reality TV, but rather a dose of real life. “Spencer was down there with the garden hose and I was like, oh, what have our lives come to!” —Kim Peiffer
Photo: Andrew Shawaf/Pacific Coast News

Hills Episode Recap

Enough with the sex tape drama, it's time for Lauren Conrad to find a man. And what better place to look than at a male model casting? While working an open call for Teen Vogue, Conrad runs into Gavin, a model she once enlisted in an attempt to derail former BFF Heidi Montag's burgeoning relationship with Spencer Pratt. Undeterred by that disaster, Gavin asks LC out, and she accepts.
Back at LC's place, Lo and Audrina get excited about meeting Gavin, with Lo (our new favorite person ever) squealing, "How fun! I love passing judgement on people!" An unsuspecting Gavin joins them at Brody Jenner's beach barbeque, where the host takes it upon himself to grill Gavin, grill-side. As Brody tells everyone that Lauren's new guy is a dud, they start to wonder....does he still have feelings for her? And as LC can barely bring herself to act interested in Gavin, we start to wonder...does she still have feelings for him?
Sure enough, one more boring date with "normal" Gavin, and Conrad dials Jenner up to see if he wants to "watch a movie." When he asks which one, she coyly answers, "Does it matter?"
Meanwhile, Spencer continues to struggle with the time demands of fiance Heidi's new job. While her reply of "I'll be at work, why don't you try it?" earns a "You go, girl" from Us, we're not sure if either of them are tackling this issue productively. Oh well, at least the conflict allows Spencer ample opportunity to practice his amazing "I'm so surprised, hurt, condescending and evil all at once" face.
Next week, will Whitney and Lauren bomb at Teen Vogue's New York offices? And will Spencer invoke the "bros before hos" clause in his failing friendship with Brody?

Sounds more like PAYBACK time to me!

Surprise! Lauren Conrad actually likes one of her friends’ boyfriends! spotted the Hills hottie, 21, hanging out with pal Whitney Port’s new man, E! News film critic Ben Lyons, at L.A. club Opera on October 18.“She was taking pictures and showing things on her Blackberry to Ben,” an onlooker says.When Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" came on, "she sang along and grabbed Ben’s hand and pretended to dance with him,” the witness adds.Clad in a black, high-waisted pencil skirt with her hair in a bun (very sexy secretary!), “she seemed to be really good friends with Ben and was in a good mood laughing with her friends,” the witness says.Let’s hope Lauren’s good mood carries into tonight’s episode of The Hills. After Jason Wahler’s engagement and the return of SexTapeGate, Conrad could use a break.
This sounds more like LC is trying to pay back Whitney for kissing Brody!

All the girls Halloween ready!

And with the exception of Whitney, they should all dress like this more often! To scare me, Audrina just needs to wear her hair up and show that god awful tatoo!

Lauren looks really pretty here!

This is a better look than the usual black dress she wears!

If your into the new show Keeping up with the Kardashian's

Then follow it at

Monday, October 22, 2007

Spencer is real professional!

So today dumbasses Spencer and Heidi showed up at Seacrest on the wrong day. They were supposed to be there tomorrow. They played Heidi's completed song and it was AWFUL!

Even the teacher's at FIDM hate LC!

But one Fashion teacher recently went off, saying Lauren-love is anything but. Nor is Conrad exactly a model student, says the teach. “She doesn’t even go here!” Professor Perturbed ranted to her class recently. “I mean, she goes here, but she comes to class, and that’s it. She’s not involved at all at this school!”

Audrina leaving the club looking a little blitzed!

Blue nail polish? Did she borrow that from Justin Bobby?

Brody hits Stacy Keibler's B-Day because, really, what else was he doing?

Brody is LOSER and now he is going to be on Keeping Up With The Kardashian's on E! By the way, if you have not seen that show you have to tune in because Bruce Jenner has had so much plastic surgery that he looks like Michael Jackson!

LC and Audrina hit the Victoria Secret Pink Party!

I see them now so much that I really starting to hate the sight of them!

I hear dentist's can do wonderful things now!

Is LC's friend from Europe?

Who is LC's rather unattractive friend?

LC, is what 21/22 and already the boobs are sagging?