Friday, December 31, 2010

Have a good one and be safe!

Happy early New Years wishes to everyone, 4 years and over 3,500 posts here at the Blog!

Lauren Conrad to spend New Years Eve 2010 in Miami at LIV nightclub!

Lauren Conrad will spend New Years Eve in Miami hosting an exclusive bash in LIV nightclub inside the Fountainbleu Hotel with a big performance by Jamie Foxx.

It is also rumored that Chase Crawford of Gossip Girl will make an appearance with Lauren as all the warm bodies (and hot bodies) ring in 2011.

Last year, Lauren stayed right at home in LA ushering in 2010 with Hills besties Stephanie Pratt and Lo Bosworth right before Lauren & Kyle headed to Mexico for the weekend.

Kristin Cavallari out in LA!

I know the plaid shirts are in but i'm not a huge fan!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Olivia Palermo gets own fashion line and own reality show!

The socialite-turned-reality-star has revealed in the January 2011 issue of Vogue España that her forthcoming TV show will be based on her new clothing line.

Well she was more entertaining than Whitney.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Audrina Patridge and a doggy!

Kristin Cavallari gets all Dolled up to take out the trash!

BIG WANGS sports bar featured on the HILLS has issues!

Zachery Ty Bryan from Home Improvement is suing Peter Brill and Joe Barker for using his investment money in the bar to live in style!

Bryan alleges the funds where used to buy cars, a home, and take vacations.

He is suing for unspecified damages.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's McKaela Line been up to?

Allie Lutz, who is she really?

Allie Lutz was a former girlfriend of Doug Reinhardt, the minor leaguer for the Baltimore Orioles. She is 24 years old and a USC graduate.

So that's her real connection to the Hills people.

Kristin Cavallari to star in ABC's "THE MIDDLE"!

Kristin will guest star on an upcoming episode set to air in February, she filmed the spot in mid December.  I love the Brick kid!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jason Wahler seriously damaged from alcohol abuse!

Dr. Drew Pinksy is making some sobering observations about former Laguna Beach star Jason Wahler, who he treats on VH1's Celebrity Rehab.

"The one thing that struck me in the opening day was, I did his physical exam and he had clear stigmata -- signs of advanced alcoholism," Pinksy says of Wahler, 23. "This guy's in his early 20s and he has the kind of alcohol damage that usually I've seen in 50-year old dads."

After Wahler's sixth alcohol-related arrest in March, the reality star told that he felt "very, very ashamed of everything." Though he went to AA meetings up to five times a week, he "started falling out of the program" once he began to pursue an acting career.

Because of Wahler's troubled past, Pinsky wasn't exactly surprised when he joined stars such as Janice Dickinson, Jason Davis and Rachel Uchitel for the series' fourth season.

"This guy was clear to me as a hardcore alcoholic. I had seen him on the show in Season 1 of Laguna Beach," Pinsky, 52, tells VH1. "I literally was yelling at the television like, 'Is anybody gonna help this kid? You know how much of a drug addict this is? Anybody but me gonna speak up?' And evidently it took quite a bit more before anybody did speak up."

Heidi Montag's Mommy is broke, flat broke!

Aside from her estranged relationship with Heidi Montag since February, the mother of three and her husband, Tim, also now face financial problems. Timberlines, a popular restaurant featured on The Hills and owned by Heidi’s folks in Crested Butte, Colo., went out of business after a 21 year run.

Heidi’s mom Darlene Egelhoff in a scene from The Hills.

“We’re a tourist town, so our business was dependent on the economy,” Egelhoff tells People. “We were forced to close because of the economy.”

Egelhoff admits she hit such a low that, at the end of last year, she even borrowed money from Heidi Montag, who’s now close to bankrupt herself.

Even that wasn’t enough, however, and she’s gone from owning that restaurant and making appearances on The Hills to working as a maid for a living.

“The work is sporadic and competitive,” Egelhoff says of her new gig. “My work is not enough to pay the bills. We need other work immediately. [My son] Sky is eligible for free lunch at school and is proud to take advantage of it.”

Despite the hardships she and her family have faced, Egelhoff maintains a positive outlook on life and on the possibility of reconciling with Heidi.

“I have no regrets in life,” she says. “I feel like God makes all things for good, and the most difficult situations we go through in life are opportunities. That’s when we build character and strength during difficult times.”

“I love Heidi more every day, even though I don’t talk to her. I love her unconditionally. I have confidence that we will have a loving, strong relationship again. I think it just takes time. Heidi and I were so close when she was growing up."

“I think she needed to disconnect from me to discover herself.”

The BEST of Audrina Patridge 2010!

Kristin Cavallari hits BOA with her girls, leaves not much to the imagination!

Kristin Cavallari at Country Strong screening, looks good!

Kristin Cavallari hits gym, looks rough! Long night?

Kristin Cavallari shops at Planet Blue, looks pissy!

Lauren Conrad leaving Kate Somerville Boutique!

I like Lauren's boots but Lauren tends to overwear the same thing when she finds something she likes.

Lauren Conrad and the Chanel backpack!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kristin Cavallari smokes a cig and watches Bears lose!

Seriously, how does anyone still smoke knowing how bad it is?