Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Did Lauren have her upper lip lasered to remove the hair? It has looked discolored for weeks now.

I don't love Audrina's dress. LC's dress is ok from the front, but from the back it made her ass look huge.


  1. Your right, it was not cute from the back

  2. Those are 3 of the ugliest dresses that I have ever seen. I can't decide which is the ugliest!

  3. There's nothing wrong with having some ass in the back nobody likes looking at some chick with a flat ass that's unattractive. Lc looks very pretty I often wonder what you people who bash on celebs look like I could only imagine.

  4. get off your pulpet, like you never talk about what someone looks like!

  5. you are all just jellous so shut the hell up..sorry you dont make as much money as they do, get over it.
