Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hallejuia!! MORE Spence and HEIDI posed shots!

Heidi, still not hot, and I still say she'll be doin porn within two years!


  1. Did she get veneers, too? Cuz they are HUGE!!!!

  2. I think she's had those for while.

  3. It's so sad when people get plastic surgery to fix their issues with themselves, but end up totally ruining what once was a good thing. Heidi USED to be really attractive...not so much anymore! She has completely lost her mind over the whole "Hollywood" thing. After watching her the last few months, how everything is a show for her and Spencer I have no doubt that the whole feud between Heidi and LC is for real. I know the show is fake but I could completely see why LC wouldn't want to be friends with this girl. She acts like an even bigger loser in "real" life rather than the "show".

  4. I agree, natural Heidi was much more attractive than the enhanced Heidi. The nose, the lips, the tits, the veneers, its all just too much. And she's gotten ridicously thin.
