Monday, March 17, 2008

Heidi MONTAG follows LAUREN Conrad's ADVICE!

Lauren said to wear high waisted, Heidi does! By the way, high waisted looks ridiculous! Lc's next big thing will be to wear pants with spandex in the waist rather than a fitted pant. LC's style is awful!
This was Heidi heading to dinner at Nobu.


  1. Did she get more added in the boobage area? They look really ginormous in these pictures. A lot bigger than normal.

  2. I don't like this outfit.High waisted IS awful looking I didn't think people these days would wear high waisted.

  3. Her chest does look big, I think as they drop and come together they look bigger over time.

  4. Isn't the point to have a waist? What's the point of high waisted, it makes your boobs look saggy and it makes you look fat - not a winning combination in my book!
