The Hills’ Stephanie Pratt is in hot water with her brother, Spencer Pratt, and his girlfriend, Heidi Montag. “I haven’t talked to them in three weeks,” Stephanie tells In Touch. “They don’t want anything to do with me right now.” The feud stems from her friendship with her Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising classmate Lauren Conrad. “Spencer and Heidi had enough after Lauren showed up at Stephanie’s birthday party last month,” says an insider. “I just don’t understand it at all,” says Stephanie. “I think I should be able to be friends with whomever I want.” At least she didn’t have to worry about an awkward run-in with the two at the Hills’ season finale party in Beverly Hills. “Heidi and Spencer weren’t even invited,” an insider reports. “Lauren doesn’t want their drama.” Stephanie partied with Lauren and another pal on May 15 at Goa nightclub in LA. Spencer and Lauren have been enemies since she blamed him for rumors about her being in a sex tape.For more check out the new In Touch, on sale now.
Spencer is the biggest loser in history how could you act like this drama with lauren is this huge thing? Why does he wanna keep fighting with this girl? He is so lame. Lauren doesn't even talk about them she has moved on maybe I could understand a little bit if lauren was going on talk shows trashing him and heidi but she isn't he's doing that! Why would you stop talking to your sister because she's friends with a girl you don't like I just don't get it, its so stupid. I think spencer is very controlling and childish this ongoing fight with a girl is so lame he needs to grow a pair.
Spencer is the biggest loser in history how could you act like this drama with lauren is this huge thing? Why does he wanna keep fighting with this girl? He is so lame. Lauren doesn't even talk about them she has moved on maybe I could understand a little bit if lauren was going on talk shows trashing him and heidi but she isn't he's doing that! Why would you stop talking to your sister because she's friends with a girl you don't like I just don't get it, its so stupid. I think spencer is very controlling and childish this ongoing fight with a girl is so lame he needs to grow a pair.
Its all about staying the public eye.
^^ sorry I'm so annoyed I clicked it twice by mistake.
^^it happens.
How mature. And besides he's talking to Brody again, but he wont talk to his own flesh and blood. It's a sad day when you realize your more mature than your big brother.
I dont think Spence and Steph were ever that tight to start.
Heidi and spencer are immature
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