Monday, July 21, 2008

Audrina PATRIDGE enjoys the SUMMER SUN while wearing NEXT to NOTHING!

Was she meeting her pimp?


  1. You are so deep 9:29.

  2. Her implants are about to fall out that dress she's such a classy girl isn't she?.

  3. I mean its sad if all you got going for you is a set of fake boobs!

  4. First of all, she's wearing next to nothing..because she is next to nothing. Don't they say that you should dress as good as you want to it's it's nice to know that Audrina inspires to be a hooker...she's almost there. That third picture (maybe the 4th) is freakin nasty...Put your f'in Milk bags away Audrina! Noone thinks they're pretty.

  5. ^^that was too funny!! Thanks for the laugh on a Monday!

  6. Someone asked once why we think audrina was dirty well these pictures speaks for itself.

  7. Okay so I was so disgusted by her rack I had to go home and show my husband...Now you know it's bad when my husband who is a total boob guy had a look on his face like he was smellin a bad fart and just said "oh my god, what happened to her" Not attractive at all
