Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Share your New Year's RESOLUTIONS!

What are you trying to change in 2009?


Anonymous said...

I want to lose weight, I have high cholesterol...

Anonymous said...

Good luck, that's always a good resolution. The best way I have found is to make small changes over time, if you don't belong to a gym, join one, make sure its within 15 minutes of your home. If you haven't worked out much start slow, try to do 20 minutes of walking or Precor three times a week and work your way up to 5 times a week and 30 minutes with some light weightlifting ever, do light weights and 15 reps. If you drink soda with sugar switch to the zero calorie now. Also salad is your best friend and it is very satisfying, start with replacing a meal a week with a salad with a no fat dressing and try to work up to 4 salad replacemnts a week. The lettuce will actually help reduce your cholestorol. If you take a doctor prescribed statin like zocor to lower cholestorol that is good too but you can probably get the numbers on diet alone. Good luck, with small changes over time you will lose the weight and keep it off. Just don't dive in all at once because you won't be able to maintain the changes. I see pepeople every year in the gym in january and they work out too hard the first time and then they are sore for a week and they never come back. Start slow and see how your body reacts. Don't overdo it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much 5:20