Wednesday, March 4, 2009


On TV, he is a harried father of eight with a wife who is constantly on his case, so it’s not surprising that Jon Gosselin needs to blow off some steam.And in recent weeks, the star of the TLC reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8 has been doing just that — slipping away from his new $1.3 million mansion to party the night away with a bevy of college cuties!
The father of twins and sextuplets has been living it up in Huntingdon, Pa., where his mom resides. He turned up uninvited at a Feb. 6 party thrown by Juniata College seniors Erin Albert and Mariel Little — and ended up playing the drinking game beer pong with members of the women's volleyball team!
Pick up this week's issue of Star — on sale Wednesday — for more shocking details on Jon's wild nights and how his mom tried to cover for him. Plus: Find out where Jon spent Valentine's Day night — without Kate!
I find this really hard to believe and how sad they are going after this family now!


Anonymous said...

Very hard to believe. Leave their family alone. I like them. They've really moved up in life, from the tv show and all the money, trips they've gotten.

Anonymous said...

I think their family is cute. Amazing how people are so jealous!

Anonymous said...

who are these ppl?

Anonymous said...

^^Jon and Kate plus 8? Come on wake up!

CRS said...

Based on what I saw, they seem like a nice family 6:04.

Anonymous said...

It's not like any of you actually know theses people except for their t.v show. and you know what it takes a lot to let people film your life and stuff and for the people who sit there and critizice them for how they raise their family and what not. well frankly i'd like to see you do any better.

Anonymous said...

I perosnally think that these tabloids are so getting really old. I don't know this family personally but I have friends that do. When good things happend to people, others try to take it away. We all know that having one child is hard enough. Having eight must put an effect on there marriage but lets face it everyone needs to have a moment to themselves. Jon is the more out going one of the two and I think that going out to a bar was his stress reliever. I wish them the best and hope that if it is only rumors they will not let it effect thier family.

Anonymous said...

I perosnally think that these tabloids are so getting really old. I don't know this family personally but I have friends that do. When good things happend to people, others try to take it away. We all know that having one child is hard enough. Having eight must put an effect on there marriage but lets face it everyone needs to have a moment to themselves. Jon is the more out going one of the two and I think that going out to a bar was his stress reliever. I wish them the best and hope that if it is only rumors they will not let it effect thier family.

Anonymous said...

I love this show, but I do honestly think that Kate does need a reality check...a good swift kick in the ass maybe. But she really needs to tone it down a bit...I sometimes feel sorry for Jon.