Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kristin CAVALLARI shows her HATE for PROP 8!

I don't agree with Kristin on this one but thats ok!
Proposition 8 was a California ballot proposition passed in the November 4, 2008, general election. It changed the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples and eliminated same-sex couples' right to marry, thereby overriding portions of the ruling of In re Marriage Cases.


Anonymous said...

A marriage is made for between a man and a woman

Anonymous said...

no comment

Anonymous said...

Yep man and a woman is marriage. Gays should be allowed a civil union for the purpose of allowing the partner to make medical decisions but marriage should remain traditional.

Anonymous said...

Regardless, Kristin looks gorgeous here!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to look hot with ducttape on your mouth! I guess that depends though on your level of kink!

Anonymous said...

"Traditional" marriage isn't even traditional anymore..Why not let gays and lesbians marry..I bet if we look at statistics of relationships they probably stay together longer and are in a more traditional relationship than straight people are. The divorce rate is insane in this country...it's not like marriage and vows mean a whole lot to people anymore.

Anonymous said...

^^So lets further devalue marriage by letting gays, animals, people and animals marry, lets let 6 year olds marry 50 year olds while we're at it.