Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lauren CONRAD basically admits her HILLS life was a FRAUD!

Lauren Conrad opens up about her decision to leave The Hills after five seasons in the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now.
"You see us on the show and we appear to have seminormal lives, but if you watch any entertainment news show, half of the cast is being swarmed by paparazzi," the 23-year-old says. "I'm excited to go back to having just one life, because there were times that I got them confused.
Look back on Lauren Conrad's 22 years of drama.
But the decision to leave is still "bittersweet," she says. "I've spent the last five years making every decision be about the show. People I date have to be able to film, the places I work have to let us film and the places I live have to have set lighting."
Conrad -- who has branched out as a fashion designer and author -- continues: "I loved doing it and had so much fun, but it came to a point where I had done it long enough."
See Hills stars in bikinis!
Conrad has kept her growing relationship with My Boys' Kyle Howard off the show, which she calls "very difficult, because when you're with someone, they become a very big part of your life."
Although she calls the cast and crew "family," she admits it's stressful being followed 24/7.
"There have been some scenes -- extra scenes that'll probably never come out -- of me getting upset and taking my mic off. I say, 'I'm done!' and lock myself in my room," she says. "There was a time when I was really stressed, and I would get sick a lot. I think I was sick of all of season three!"
MTV cameras have been following Conrad since she was a high school student on Laguna Beach. Her last season of The Hills, which debuted in 2006, premieres April 6.
Look back at all of Lauren's friends over the years.
Producer Liz Gately told the Associated Press they're still figuring out how to give Conrad a big send-off -- and how to continue the show without her.
For more details on the double life Conrad led off camera, what her post-show plans are and what her Hills pals will do next, pick up the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now.

I hope Lauren is not dumb enough to think she can stay in LA and the papparazzi will leave her alone.


Anonymous said...

They probably won't follow her around as much once The Hills is over.

Anonymous said...

I probably would have retired being on reality tv too, forget about the money I couldn't stand being followed 24/7!

Anonymous said...

I am tired of ppl defending chris brown!

Anonymous said...

I actually think Lauren will get followed as much if not more once the Hills end. People still want to see her. If she keeps going to Katsuya, etc. the places the razzi stake out you'll see her as much as ever.