Friday, April 3, 2009

GEORGIA HICKS have their son tattooed!

I don't know whats worse the tattoo or the bowl cut hair!


Anonymous said...

Is this an April Fools joke? I mean these parents should be brought up on charges...This is terrible. It has to be a joke. Please tell me it's a joke!

Anonymous said...

Unbelieveable! He's really crying, it can't be a joke!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that this is a joke! If not, it's truly disturbing! And what will it look like as he grows into a man?

Anonymous said...

the hair is worse! Haha! The things people do to their kids.

Anonymous said...

is this legal?! poor child!!

subjecting your child to that pain is so wrong.

but how ugly is that tattoo in the first place. and the kid is so young it's gonna turn out all weird when his arm grows.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks cool!

Anonymous said...

I read an article that for like the last year all this kid has talked about was getting a tattoo because his mom and dad have tattoos so they just caved in and took him figuring at some point they could always just laser it off.

Anonymous said...

OMG! that's so not right.

Anonymous said...

If that's his mom it looks like she's into meth.

Anonymous said...

Its child abuse! against his will. not acceptable. should be shown to the police

Anonymous said...

Its cool, quit all the hatin! Finally some cool parents!

Anonymous said...

It is totally crazy .. as you can do that to that baby .. should put it in jail, do not believe this crazy

Anonymous said...

poor baby .. as suffering ..

Anonymous said...