Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Brody Jenner apparantly hit on Jessica Simpson and got flat turned down! Brody, you are a reality star, Jessica is a real star. There is pecking order. That would like a 9 dating a 4. This is not how things work!


Anonymous said...

I'm actually shocked she would turn him down. He's cute...better lookin than Jon Mayer and I just don't see her as turning anyone away.

Anonymous said...

John Mayer = STAR, Brody Jenner = unemployed dimwit!

Anonymous said...

He may be unemployed but he still has money...even if it's mommy and daddy's money he's got it. Hell send him my way...I'll take the unemployed dimwit!

CRS said...

I am positive you can get him, you wont have him for long though because he has the attention span of a squirrel!