The much-anticipated showdown took place at the annual Declare Yourself event to reach out to politically-involved young Hollywood in hopes of garnering their vote, but that night it was all Lauren and Heidi could do to not reach out and wring each others' necks. While we'll never know if the girls' attendance was a result of strategic casting on MTV's part, it was clear that once the opponents locked eyes - planned or otherwise - it was war.
Both girls brought their trusty companions - LC with Whitney, and Heidi with one of her Bolthouse cronies. But when it came down to it, poor Whit only could muster to Lauren an empathetic, "Oh, is this horrible for you? It must be horrible."
Heidi's gal wisely stepped aside while the warring ladies spoke for the first time in months. As Heidi offered pleasantries like everything was A-OK, Lauren stewed as her former BFF claimed her non-involvement (while being careful not to implicate her beau, Spencer Pratt).
Round one went to LC, who stared down Heidi before calmly telling her that she's willing to talk if Heidi's willing to apologize. What wishful thinking! Heidi's reasoning for her sudden change of heart? "Life's too short to keep having all this anger and hatred."
The next day, in a flashback to everyone's tenth-grade nightmare, Lauren went to work the next day to find the dreaded "we need to talk" instant message from Ms. Montag pop up on her computer screen.
In what we can only assume was a momentary lapse in judgment (or brilliant scene creation by MTV producers), Lauren invited the enemy over to the apartment they once shared for a sit-down later that night. Still eager to make peace, Heidi brought Lauren a bouquet of roses with a hefty side of cheesy banter that even a kindergartner could see through.
In the end, Heidi apologized to her nemesis, while continuing to neither technically confirm nor deny Spencer's actions. Lauren's memorable response to Heidi's Clintonian wordplay: "I want to forgive and forget you."
Next up on The Hills: Could Speidi wedding bells be ringing in Las Vegas?
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