Monday, March 3, 2008

Lauren CONRAD pulls out the summer wardrobe!

How do you like the dress? I think it makes her boobs look really saggy, its not flattering.


Anonymous said...

We'll since lc earns her own money and pays her own bills I guess she can wear whatever she wants to.

Anonymous said...

well, i guess money doesnt buy taste!

Anonymous said...

how do you know lc pays her own bills, you know her? she doesnt have a job!

Anonymous said...

That top picture of LC is hilarious! That poor girl needs a lift and maybe a Nip/tuck. She looks so frumpy it's terrible. I'm geesh almost 10 years older than her and my body doesn't even look that old! She got old lady ass!

Anonymous said...

1157 your post wasn't that damn good to post it three times, learn to use a computer before posting, ok? Men find the booty sexy if its large and toned, lc's is just flab! And her poor tits! They're already hangin down to her belly button! Take some of that 25k you say she earns and encourage her to get a lift!