Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spencer PRATT and HEIDI Montag go on an EASTER EGG adventure!

Oh jesus! Would you wear bunny ears for money? I wonder how much they had to pay the kid to put up with them?


Anonymous said...

Paid? What do you mean? These pictures don't look staged at all! I almost got through typing that before I died laughing. What is wrong with these two? And shame on the photographer! From a photographers standpoint....these are just really bad. You can stage a photo without it looking this staged.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how much they get paid for all these staged photoshoots they do!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is Heidi that's pregnant. They're showing by having this poor child pose with them...that they are parent material. This is like they're coming out photo.I always thought Spencer would have a different kind of coming out picture....

CRS said...

^^Don't you ever even joke about that!! Heidi as a mom scares me!

Anonymous said...

I know it's scary but it could be there next desperate plight for fame. That would be huge if she got knocked up right now. So huge that they just might kick LC right out of the spot light...I mean even I would watch a reality show based on her pregnancy and new baby. It's probably all planned and crap to look like an "Oh my god" moment. Of course the whole time I would feel so bad for the poor child. To look like a mix between the two..Oh geesh! Boy? Girl? Tranny? What would be worse?