Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So, here in Georgia in my County we have a great recycling program, they literally allow you to recycle and put at the curb all your newspaper, magazines, misc. paper, plastic 1-8(you can see what number the plastic is by looking at the bag or the container), almost all plastic bags now can be recycled, glass, cardboard and aluminum.

I have always recycled my newspapers and magazines but since starting the program about a month ago I would say we are literally recycling 70-90% of our garbage.

More and more of the sanitation departments around the country have now and are starting such programs. Check with your sanitation department if they have a program and if not encourage them to start one.

Now that we have been into for a month it is really easy to seperate it. You just get used to throwing things in the right container for recycling.

Every little bit we keep out of the dumps helps and that same can you drink your coke out of today can be made into the exact same can in the future. Its a beautiful thing.

I notice more and more people in our neighborhood are doing it, you can tell because on Wednesdays people put out their blue recycling containers. But I would still say only about 25 to 30% of the houses are doing it. Imagine if 60% of people were doing it or 90%.

Besides keeping it out of the dump it helps keep your sanitation costs lower because of course they sell it all to companies that can remanufacture it.

It also helps to keep your product costs lower because in many cases recycled goods can be made cheaper than new.

So do your part and recycle what you can!


LMJ said...

in new zealand we have been doing this for years not months :P

Anonymous said...

^^well aren't you just super special!

LMJ said...

no, we're smart and forward thinking :)

Anonymous said...

Ya'll do export good sav blanc! keep up the good work on that!