WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 "baby bond" from the government to help pay for future costs of college or buying a home.
Clinton, her party's front-runner in the 2008 race, made the suggestion during a forum hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus.
"I like the idea of giving every baby born in America a $5,000 account that will grow over time, so that when that young person turns 18 if they have finished high school they will be able to access it to go to college or maybe they will be able to make that downpayment on their first home," she said.
The New York senator did not offer any estimate of the total cost of such a program or how she would pay for it. Approximately 4 million babies are born each year in the United States.
Clinton said such an account program would help Americans get back to the tradition of savings that she remembers as a child, and has become harder to accomplish in the face of rising college and housing costs.
She argued that wealthy people "get to have all kinds of tax incentives to save, but most people can't afford to do that."
The proposal was met with enthusiastic applause at an event aimed to encourage young people to excel and engage in politics.
"I think it's a wonderful idea," said Rep. Stephanie Stubbs Jones, an Ohio Democrat who attended the event and has already endorsed Clinton. "Every child born in the United States today owes $27,000 on the national debt, why not let them come get $5,000 to grow until their 18?"
Britain launched a similar program in January 2005, handing out vouchers worth hundreds of dollars each to parents with children born after Sept. 1, 2002.
Earlier this month, Time magazine proposed a $5,000 baby bond program.
Do you really need any further proof Hillary is a socialist and wants to redistribute income from the rich to the poor, from those that work to those that are just baby making ho's?
Lauren Conrad, Kristin Cavallari, The Hills, Laguna Beach, The City, Audrina, Audrina Patridge, Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt, Brody Jenner, Allie Lutz, Jenn Bunney, Lo Bosworth, Stephen Colletti, One Tree Hill, Kardashians, Jessica Smith, Gossip, Celebrity, Breaking News, It's all here for you!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Audrina, next time use the Hayden trick!
The latest on our sweet little LC!
Lauren Conrad and Audrina Patridge, chatting and partying with an entourage of friends in a reserved booth at Element in Hollywood. The Hills stars were in high spirits, drinking and dancing to Tupac's "California Love." It was a busy night of clubbing for the ladies, who also hit Les Deux.
Heidi and LC keep their distance

By the way, who's outfit do you like better? Lc's is a little busy and Heidi's isn't very flattering, if I had to give an edge, I guess LC, but neither is a winner, winner, chicken dinner!
A tip on video
When the video starts hit pause and let it load for a few minutes, then it plays smooth.
Tiffany Heidi and Spencer wedding registry is a FAKE!
Some prankster is registering for $425 Tiffany & Co. silver salt and pepper shakers in Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt's name. Despite scenes of the couple registering for silverware on Monday night's Hills, Pratt tells Usmagazine.com of the gift registry circulating the internet, "While a couple can never have enough cheese serving sets, sadly, that's not our registry."Whoever's it is, their guests don't seem to be in the giving mood -- none of the items on the list have been purchased yet.If their home-decorating wars on The Hills are any indication, when Pratt and Montag, who have yet to pick a wedding date, DO register, it'll be a battle for the ages.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Besides the Hills, what else are you watching?
I find that I am watching less tv than ever and really don't like many shows, what about everyone else?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
LC and Audrina hit Intermix

LC is by no means fat, but she stores a lot in her upper arms and calves for some reason. Audrina has great teeth. There those boots are again from about a week ago! LC gets a new accessory and just wears it out quick, first those sunglasses now the boots! Lc looks good in black but Audrina looks better with color.
A reader who apparantly does much more research than I do tipped me off to this

Heidi and Spence's tiffany registry is right here. As they don't have any friends, no one has bought them one thing. Maybe one of you can buy something and see if you get a thank you card or atleast a bottle of water and a shirley temple!
What in the sweet petunia, Heidi had her boobs done, where was I?

In an exclusive interview, Montag confirms what Us first reported in its April 23 issue: that she had undergone rhinoplasty and breast augmentation earlier that month.
The 21-year-old aspiring singer opens about her decision to go under the knife, enlarging from a 32-A to a 32-C, and the painful body-image problems that spurred her to make a change.
Tell Us why you had the surgeries.
“I’ve always been very insecure about my body. My whole life, I looked at my chest and was like, OK, they’re going to grow. This is my year! And it never happened. I was less than an A-cup. I wore pushup bras, which cut into my skin. If I was with a guy and there was a girl next to me with big boobs, I would be like, Oh, my God, he’s looking at her! On the beach, if I was standing next to a girl with big boobs, I’d be like, I hate her! I hated my nose too. I have my dad’s nose, which is huge. It took up so much of my face, when I looked down, I could see my nose. I couldn’t get away from it!”
Were you ever teased about your appearance?
“People would say, “You have such a big nose!” And they’d make fun of me for being so flat, and say mean boy things, like, “If you nailed two nails in a board, they would be bigger than you are.” I was tormented. And when I was older, I’d want to be intimate, but I’d feel insecure. My boyfriends always had bigger chests than I did!”
A lot of people believe Spencer pressured you into surgery, since he's made his love of Playboy bunnies known.“He had nothing to do with it. If anything, he said, 'maybe you should think about it a lot longer'."
Take Us back to April 2, the day of surgery.“I woke up, and it was like Christmas: I was a nervous wreck, but I was just so excited at the same time. Spencer said, “I’m so proud of you.” It was like he was wishing me well off to school: “Love you! Bye!” But surgery is a very big deal. Right before I went in, I was like, What if I don’t wake up? Oh, this is scary. Then I thought, I don’t care. If I don’t wake up, it’s worth it. I just wanted it so badly.”
For more details on Heidi’s surgery and recovery, pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands this week. To get your instant Hills news and gossip fix, check out our Hills Extra site now!
Well I'll be a monkeys uncle, I just thought she had a growth spurt!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Is K Cav pregnant?
Eyewitness account of LC and Stephen
Heroes's Ex Moves On To Hills Starlet
Looks like Hayden Panettiere's ex Stephen Colletti isn't shedding any more tears over their recent break-up. The former reality stud was spotted out on the town with former love Lauren Conrad. The couple attended a party together for Hornitos Tequila at Hollywood hotspot Opera Thursday night. A source says, "Stephen and Lauren definitely looked like an item. They hung out together the entire time and at one point, Stephen grabbed Lauren and took her out to the dance floor, where they danced to the song 'One More Time. ' They were laughing and flirting. They looked really happy and cute together." Stephen and Lauren dated while on the hit show Laguna Beach. After the couple graduated in 2005, they moved to San Francisco, where they both attended college. LC studied fashion at The Academy of Art University, while Stephen majored in communications at San Francisco State University. After one semester, Lauren returned to Southern California and six months later, Stephen followed her.
Looks like Hayden Panettiere's ex Stephen Colletti isn't shedding any more tears over their recent break-up. The former reality stud was spotted out on the town with former love Lauren Conrad. The couple attended a party together for Hornitos Tequila at Hollywood hotspot Opera Thursday night. A source says, "Stephen and Lauren definitely looked like an item. They hung out together the entire time and at one point, Stephen grabbed Lauren and took her out to the dance floor, where they danced to the song 'One More Time. ' They were laughing and flirting. They looked really happy and cute together." Stephen and Lauren dated while on the hit show Laguna Beach. After the couple graduated in 2005, they moved to San Francisco, where they both attended college. LC studied fashion at The Academy of Art University, while Stephen majored in communications at San Francisco State University. After one semester, Lauren returned to Southern California and six months later, Stephen followed her.
Is LC and Stephen a set-up?
I am highly skeptical now of "reality". Here's what we know, Jason is engaged so he's not a realistic possibility anymore for LC. We know LC doesn't have a man. We know Stephen and Hayden are done. We know many would love to see LC and Stephen end up together. We also know interest in the spence/lc/heidi/brody drama is dying. We also know this show will in all likely hood be back for a 4th season. We also know Stephen is not a great actor as evidenced by his work on One Tree Hill. So, it would not surprise me to see Stephen as a key part of season 4, mtv no doubt would love to have him and no doubt he would get paid in the LC neighborhood. It would most likely drive interest too in a season 5 no matter whether they stay together or break up. I don't care what LC says, I think she is pretty astute in realizing it is in her best interest to ride the Hills as long as possible and possibly do a third show in a newlyweds type show. What do you think?
It also would not shock me to see Dieter back in the mix for season 4. I think Mtv would love to turn the Hills into Laguna again with more than just LC. I think Lo was just the beginning in seeing the old come back.
It also would not shock me to see Dieter back in the mix for season 4. I think Mtv would love to turn the Hills into Laguna again with more than just LC. I think Lo was just the beginning in seeing the old come back.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Audrina, are you paying attention?
So yesterday George Clooney was in a motorcycle accident and sustained a broken rib and road burns tro his body and his little sweetie broke her foot.
Audrina, I hope your paying attention!
Audrina, I hope your paying attention!
Leave it to LC, someone breaks up and like the snake she is, here she comes!
Friday, September 21, 2007
LC speaks

While her love-life is on hold, LC has focused on her work, designing a clothing line and of course, filming The Hills. Conrad tells Seventeen, however, that she came close to quitting the show.
Read on for excerpts:
On the pitfalls of fame:"Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little bit of the spotlight. They just want to become famous so badly, and that’s never really made sense to me. I mean, it’s fun to go out and do stuff in Hollywood, but if it was gone tomorrow, I really wouldn’t be disappointed."
On almost leaving The Hills:"I actually came dangerously close to not doing season three, because I really didn’t want to do the show with Heidi and Spencer. I’m not who they are. I don’t stage my own publicity. I just kind of live my life and do my job, and I don’t want to be grouped with them. [MTV] says Heidi and Spencer were always a part of the show, and they can’t all of a sudden make main characters disappear. And so we continue to follow their lives, and the producers keep letting Heidi and Spencer think there’s some hope [that we’ll make up]."
On her dating rules:"I don’t kiss on the first date. My friends always make fun of me for that! But I will hold hands."
Catch up with all your favorites on Usmagazine.com's Hills home page. From character bios to articles and videos, we've got your Hills fix covered.
Wahler gets the boot from Celebrity Rap Superstar on MTV!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
LC almost quit the Hills!
So, Ellen K, was on Seacrest this morning and read a quote from LC that she almost quit the show because she just did not want to ever deal with Spencer and Heidi again. Mtv apparantly told LC that they were now a part of the show and just dumping them and not following them anymore was not an option.
Couple things about this, LC may not be the brightest bulb but she would not be dumb enough to quit the show particuarly with the money she makes, the access it gives her and the visibility it gives her line. On mtv, no way were they letting go Spence and Heidi and the drama they provide. Wasn't going to happen. The worst thing LC could do is start bitching because the Hills is the best gig she will ever have and when the Hills ends so does all the access to the clubs and parties.
Couple things about this, LC may not be the brightest bulb but she would not be dumb enough to quit the show particuarly with the money she makes, the access it gives her and the visibility it gives her line. On mtv, no way were they letting go Spence and Heidi and the drama they provide. Wasn't going to happen. The worst thing LC could do is start bitching because the Hills is the best gig she will ever have and when the Hills ends so does all the access to the clubs and parties.
LC - stop with the stipper heels already!

Lauren Conrad wants you to know she's not just another celebrity putting out another clothing line. Really.Despite being Orange County's best-known reality TV star, Conrad says, fashion is something she's had her heart set on, even before starring in MTV's "Laguna Beach: The Real O.C." and now "The Hills," which follows Conrad's pursuit of a fashion career.Conrad's eponymous clothing line made its online debut Saturday with 10 pieces for fall. A full launch with a bigger collection will come this spring."Fashion is something I've always wanted to do, ever since the sixth grade," the 21-year-old said in her trademark husky rasp.In person, Conrad appears a polished version of the archetypal California girl: sun-kissed skin, blue (sometimes green) eyes with strong brows, and flaxen hair tied in a loose ponytail.While she posed for a photo shoot at her working studio in Santa Monica, just two days after presenting an award to Justin Timberlake at the MTV Video Music Awards, chatter with her publicists revolved around Britney's comeback performance and the evening's fashion hits and misses."Your dress was sooo cute," they cooed, referring to the white and silver sequined sheath Conrad designed herself. Conrad also designed the strapless teal bubble dress she donned for the Teen Choice Awards last month.That she's been able to ride the wave of her reality TV fame for so long and continue to raise her profile – she's also the spokeswoman for mark, a line of makeup for younger women by Avon; and in the works is an accessories line for Avon and a handbag collection with Linea Pelle – is proof that Conrad isn't banking on just 15 minutes. During the shoot, Conrad's publicist asked whether Conrad was up for being on the cover of Shape magazine. In a swimsuit." … With a week's notice?" Conrad asked dubiously. "I'm going to need a month or two to prepare for that."The media exposure isn't slowing down any. She's on the cover of the October issue of Seventeen magazine, a regular fixture in US Weekly and is often mentioned on PerezHilton.com. Still, Conrad said, it's the clothing line in particular signifies the start of what she hopes to be a lasting career."This is something I want to continue to do, long after the show ends," said Conrad.The Lauren Conrad collection is filled with slinky jersey dresses and flowy tops, and each piece looks exactly like something Conrad would wear either to the beach or out to dinner – and that's exactly what she intended. She said she decided to use her name for the label because all the fashion designers she admired, like Phillip Lim, Diane Von Furstenberg, Marc Jacobs and Cynthia Vincent – had clothing collections in their names, too.Each garment in her collection is named after a friend, so there are dresses named after her "Hills" co-stars, like the Audrina and the Whitney."The clothes really fit my personality. I like comfortable, beachy clothes that can also be dressed up, too."Moving from Laguna Beach to Hollywood has influenced and changed her style a bit. In high school, Conrad said, girls lived in Juicy Couture sweats and designer handbags."O.C. is definitely a lot more casual and label-oriented," she said. "I used to wear only tanks and jeans but now I love dressing more girlie and wearing more dresses. There's a lot more mixing it up in L.A., more of an anything-goes style."Churning out her own line of apparel was a "really cool" process that she said allowed her to use what she's been learning at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, where she's majoring in product development, and what she's picked up while interning at Teen Vogue."You realize you have to do 40 pieces and it's overwhelming but then you have to stop and handle one piece at a time," Conrad said.She said she spent a lot of time shopping to get ideas and to think about what fabrics to use. When Conrad was asked how hands-on she was, Sherry Wood, creative director for the fashion line, eagerly answered for her:"She did all the sketches. … she was at every single fitting, from deciding on the labels to the hang tags. She was involved every step of the way."And, Conrad added, laughing, "I was the fit model for every piece. That saved us money."She also said she's aware of the opportunities and doors that have opened because of the show. MTV has partnered with Conrad for her fashion line for two years. After that, she said, the line will belong exclusively to her."Right now, I'm just trying to build up the brand and build up the image," she said. "The real test will be whether women out there who will buy my clothes."Her ultimate dream?"It would be amazing to someday show my clothing on the runways in New York."The limited fall collection will only be available online at shoplaurenconrad.com, but the spring collection will be available at selected specialty retailers like Planet Blue in Santa Monica and Shopbop.com. Prices range from $40 to $180.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
LC in a few years!
LC hits the airport!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
In early voting
People say no to buying LC's new line, with approx. 700 votes tallied, people are saying no by a 55% to 45% margin in US Magazine.
I have to admit, I think the pricing is high if she is going after the hs/early college crowd.
I have to admit, I think the pricing is high if she is going after the hs/early college crowd.
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