Recently, OK!'s Katie Christopher sat down with The Hills star Audrina Partridge during the magazine's exclusive interview and fashion shoot.In these online-only excerpts, the 22-year-old beauty dishes to OK! on everything from her catty friendships with Heidi and Lauren to her relationship with on-again off-again boyfriend, Justin Bobby.
Your boyfriend's name is Justin Bobby. What gives?
The whole Justin Bobby thing is weird. His friends and his dad call him Bobby because his middle name is Robert. So that's the reason why. I told Lauren that and she told Lo and so they kind of turned it into this whole Justin Bobby joke. So he's not very happy with it!
Do you feel like LC is judging him?
Lauren is being a good friend but, you know, Lauren says exactly what is on her mind. She's very opinionated. I'll listen to her opinions but in the end, I'm still going to do what I want because I have to live my life. If I'm going to get hurt, I'm going to get hurt on my own. I can't listen to someone and then always have someone tell you what to do and then do it. In the future, you'll wonder what if I would have stayed, what would have happened?
Many people don't think Heidi treated Lauren well. What's your view?
This whole show is based on friends — friendships and relationships. It is almost too much. I think when Lauren was with Jason she was with him all the time too. I think in a way Lauren should have understood that Heidi was in love with this guy. Whenever I'm in a relationship, I try to balance my time. I balance my time with Justin and it is hard, but I do it. I really make the effort to do it. But I think Spencer kind of sucked Heidi in and Heidi fell for him way too fast. Like her dad said on the episode, once Heidi's with a guy, she forgets all of her friends.
Do you think living with LC has strengthened your friendship?
Yes, and I think to have a good friendship you need to have those arguments — not get in fights but arguments — to get to really know the person. You become closer because you go through it and you overcome it. You need to be able to get it all out and then forget about it and move on and laugh about later.
Is that the difference between her friendship with you and the friendship she used to have with Heidi?
When she and Heidi were friends, I wasn't really friends with Lauren, I was friends with Heidi. I rarely hung out with the two of them together. From what I saw, it looked like they were good friends and they really cared for each other but the whole boy thing got in the way. I think if they would have went about it in a different way, they could have made their friendship work. The way they went at it and let people influence them is what messed it up.
For the complete interview and photo spread, check out this week’s issue of OK!, on newsstands
Audrina basically says LC was a crappy friend! Love it!
Here's an idea, if the site is soooo bad go over to the site that sells lc's cheap crap for over a hundred bucks and buy some you worthless ho!
I don't really think Audrina was saying that LC was a crappy friend. I think she is saying taht they were both immature. CSR I love your site. I used to really love it when you didn't have morons posting comments!
Okay on a serious note...Can any of you see Audrina doing playboy in a few months?
Also, just saw pics of Heidi's 21st birthday....did her boobs get even bigger?
Full moon this weekend? What brought the crazies out? I think Audrina would be the most likely to do Playboy, I could see Lo doing it too and probably Heidi.
Audrina said nothing bad about lauren, grow up and stop being jealus of her beauty and her celebrity status.
^ Okay Audrina..How's Justin Bobby? Cheat on ya lately?
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