Did Lauren Conrad make a hateful house call to Heidi Montag’s parents? Her ex-best bud claims that Conrad, 21, repeatedly tried to sabotage her relationship with Spencer Pratt, 24, on the MTV series The Hills last season.
“They don’t show the footage of how Lauren was sort of obsessed with Spencer, or how she called my mom in Colorado and told her I was involved in an abusive relationship,” Montag says in the October issue of CosmoGirl!
A source tells Us that Montag, 21, “found out about LC’s call from her sister Holly” last spring — shortly after the LC sex tape rumors (which Montag has been accused of starting) first emerged. Was LC out for revenge? Responds a Conrad insider, “That’s completely ridiculous.”
For more news on The Hills drama, pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.
“They don’t show the footage of how Lauren was sort of obsessed with Spencer, or how she called my mom in Colorado and told her I was involved in an abusive relationship,” Montag says in the October issue of CosmoGirl!
A source tells Us that Montag, 21, “found out about LC’s call from her sister Holly” last spring — shortly after the LC sex tape rumors (which Montag has been accused of starting) first emerged. Was LC out for revenge? Responds a Conrad insider, “That’s completely ridiculous.”
For more news on The Hills drama, pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.
I wouldn't put this past LC. But Heidi's mom is a butinski and she really just need to stay out of her kids friendships!
The only thing about Heidis mom that I didn't understand was her comment about how LC could have been good for Heidi because of the show. Like she was promoting Heidi to use LC. Honestly I don't think LC needs to waste her time trying to sabotage the "relationship" it's either a fakey kind of relationship to begin with or Spencer and Heidi are going to self destruct. It's not going to be because of what LC says. After seeing what Heidi did to Elodie there is no doubt in my mind that Heidi is not a great friend. I don't think she's capable of knowing right from wrong. Time and time again she proves that. Spencer, LC, Jen Bun...she is no better with friendships and relationships than LC.
Heidi's mom strikes me as a gold digger! Just bringing up the whole LC deal when Spencer was in town was in very poor taste on her moms part. Stay out of friendship squabbles if your a parent! Its like when one of your friends breaks up with a bf/gf, keep your mouth shut because there is high probability they get back together and if your the friend that talked sh*t you may lose a friend. LC made this mistake, she should of just kept her mouth shut. Not sticking up for Heidi but she was smart not to talk sh*t about Jason. And while I am no Spencer fan in the least, Jason is far worse!
Far worse?? I don't think too far. I think Spencer is just smarter than Jason in the fact not to get caught and more clever excuses. They are both douche bags
Agreed, the heavy drugs put Jason over the top in my mind and I'm still not convinced he didn't smack LC around some.
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