WASHINGTON (CNN) – The Rev. Joseph Lowery, a leader during the civil rights movement and former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, delivered the inaugural ceremony's benediction Tuesday on the west front of the U.S. Capitol.
Reverend Joseph Lowery.
"We truly give thanks for the glorious experience we've shared this day," Lowery, 87, said in delivering the prayer.
He asked that Americans cling to the spirit of fellowship embodied at the inauguration.
"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right," Lowery said.
This dumb, old racist windbag, this is who Obama chooses to speak for him? What does mean when "black will not be asked to give back"? Blacks won't need to pay taxes as some reparation for slavery? Or how about when "yellow will be mellow"? An inference to the japanese during World War 2? The chinese now? The Koreans? Jesus, give me a break on this racist clown. Orientals are actually some of the nicest and kindest people in the world and some of the smartest too. "When the red man can get ahead"? We live in the country with the greatest freedoms and opportunities in the world! But my favorite "When white will embrace what is right". White people elected Obama, you dumb old windbag. This is who Obama chose? Everyone should be offended but you won't see this in the mainstream media. How offensive.
What scares me is the mainstream media has already begun to shelter Obama from even the tiniest things to keep him from ever looking poorly. Last night, Robin Roberts when speaking to Obama said how wonderful it was that Obama helped Chief Justice Roberts with the inauguration. Did she see it? Obama was nervous and stumbled over his words. If we need to protect Obama when he stumbles from nervousness, what lengths will they go to protect him when something really bad happens. Disturbing.
Obama did help Chief Justice, because it was the chief justice who got the wording wrong and Obama recognised that, gave him the opportunity to correct it and when he didn't he said it the right way. And you can't blame Obama for what someone else says, I'm sure he didn't know Joseph Lowery was going to say that.
BULLSH*T I can't blame Obama, Obama put that racist clown up there and don't think for one second he didn't or didn't know what he was going to say.
I hope Obama does do well, but don't try and bullsh*t me or excuse this bullsh*t!
Obama was nervous, its understandable, get over it, stop protecting him.
OMG!, please stop. Like the comment above me the chief of justice said the oath incorrectly not obama. He even apologized to obama afterwards. Obama knew the oath and DID NOT repeat it wrong. Its all over the news that it was the chief of justices fault he was nervous it was his first time. Let it go CRS it was a beautiful day yesterday let it go.
Even one blog posted the correct oath the way it was supposed to be said and the way the chief of justice said it was wrong. Even elizabitch hasselbeck on the view agreed he said it wrong not obama but hey YOU KNOW BEST CRS. EVERYONE IS WRONG BUT YOU.
What does the chief justice saying it wrong and obama being nervous have to do with one another? They are independent. JEEZ, shut up.
We made history yesterday and all crs can focus on is the negative shit. Go figure. Btw obama didn't appear nervous at all yesterday even when he gave his speech. He may off felt nervous on the inside but he never showed it. Cool as cucumber.
What history? Stop speaking like a moron and say how it was so historic.
He was hardly cool as a cucumber, Obama is a fine speaker when speaking off a teleprompter, he has major issues when engaging off the cuff. Reality.
So since Crs knows it all why doesn't she post the correct oath? Somehow I find it hard to believe she was watching it yesterday and knew the oath by heart to know who said it wrong.
It was history you loser its the first african american president but people of non color wouldn't feel or understand the pride that people of color felt yesterday.
Actually, no, Barack is not black, he has a white mother and is hence multi-racial. So if you are a black person who feels pride because he is black then your pride is misplaced. Also, why don't you celebrate when he actually does something of consequence that is good for America. Closing Guantanamo is hardly a positive start.
Do you realize what a small group of whites that was?
Do you realize that was 40 years ago?
Just because he has a black wife doesn't make him black.
Many people applaud Barack now for bringing the country together, he really hasn't by the way, and if he keeps condoning people like Joseph Lowery and his own preacher, he may very well end up dividing the country more than ever.
Think about it.
He is not black, get over it.
@11:10 it probably kills you that a black man is president but hopefully ONE DAY YOU WILL ACCEPT IT AND GET OVER IT.
^ Amen! Amen! Amen!.
How sad that you have to celebrate a black president, why don't you celebrate your own achievements, but then you probably don't have any so you have to live through Obama. Pathetic. Funny how you blacks changed the subject from Lowery and Obama's tolerence of that moron to hating on CRS. You all are sad.
I just saw Obama walk on water and then turn the water into wine.
Just by the way you all comment tells me you all are the product of a public school education.
If Obama ws really black he would have married a white woman, knocked her up, left her and the kids, philandered around, drank a 40, smoked some pot(oh wait he did that), did some coke(oops he di that too) and ended up in jail. Obviously he is only part black.
One fool woman not unlike many of you said yesterday that listening to Barack was like listening to God. How sad someone would glorify a man in the smae light as God.
Barack is a pawn, face it, he was put in place by the Kennedy's who did not want the Clintons to become the democrats new political dynasty. That's reality.
First, Obama is not a messiah, he is not a celebrity, I couldn't give two shits whether he fucked his wife inauguration night as Tmz wondered. He is the President. It is a job. I don't give a fuck if Obama is black, brown, white, purple or green and anyone that does is buffoon. Let's see whether he moves this country away from middle east oil and towards energy independence via natural gas, solar, wind, etc. Does he lower taxes for everyone. Does he defend the country and prevent terrorist attacks. Many of you have already forgotten 9/11. I won't mention the economy because the president has very little effect on the economy. The greatness of yesterday had absolutly nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with the seamless and peaceful transfer of power that we enjoy and don't think about in this country.
Obama gonna fill my tank for free dilly-o and pay off my house g, I voted for Bama, I helped him and now he gonna help me, fooshizzle me! Obama da man!
Obamas change was to spend 145 million on the inauguration versus Bush who spent less than 40 million. In the midst of a financial crisis that was hardly money well spent.
Remember too, 47 percent of americans said no to Obama in the election.
This idea is Obama is all about change has been disproven already by the number of old school Clintonites in his inner circle. The idea Obama is loved by all is a lie perpetrated by the media and hollywood. Most americans are highly skeptical of Obama's serious lack of expierence. Reality.
A number of variables go into a person being elected to a first term. However, only one thing truly matters when you run for the second term and that's performance. Obama did a rather amzing thing during his short time in the senate and that was not really taking a stand on any issue, most of the time not voting on issues and simply voting present. He will not have this luxury as President. I suspect many will come to view him as wishy-washy, a flip flopper, inexpierenced and unable to lead as President. The true test of a President is not in getting the first term but in getting the second.
I love Obama & I loved the inauguration. I thought it was amazing. HOWEVER, I must agree, Lowery was totally out-of-line and uncalled for. It was an absolutely horrible decision, and a ridiculous way to end an inauguration that was supposed to represent change and hope.
I agree it was a bad choice, but Obama made a bad choice in selecting a speaker for his inauguration - a guy that had no effect on policy or government. John McCain, however, selected a brain-dead moron to be his running mate.
Barack Obama is OUR president now.So.....it is what it is.
10:08, your a moron, unable to discuss or debate, sad.
10:50, you are atleast intelligent enough to understand there is much further to go.
9:14, yes, it is what it is and we can wish Obama success while at the same time discussing what he does and how he goes about his Presidency. That is our job as americans.
I will not give him a pass because silly people call me a bitch or an asshole while using an anonymous tag a message board. I will not give him a pass because he is multiracial and I am white. I will not give him a pass because the mainstream media has proclaimed him a messiah.
If as someone pointed out that change is spending over 140 million dollars on your inauguration than people need to evaluate what change really is all about.
Change is simply not a multiracial man taking office and constantly saying a catch phrase like "Yes we can".
I suggest any of you who thinks CRS is not intelligent or is racist go back and read the post titled Barack Obama from inauguration day. Funny how none of you but two commented on that post. Could it be because your lazy and pathetic and can't handle personal responsibility and need the government to provide for you? I suspect it is.
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