That's right. This here is what Ted Kefalinos, the owner of Lafayette French Pastry (26 Greenwich Avenue), is calling a "Drunken Negro Face" cookie in honor of President Obama. He also apparently suggested to a customer that Obama will "get what's coming to him" just like President Lincoln.
Now thats not right.
But the beauty of this country is people can decide for themselves whether this is funny or disgusting. People can decide to go or not go to his bakery. Thats what this country is all about. Sadly, I bet some idiot will set his bakery on fire.
This site used to be cool I would get all my hills update but now with all this obama stuff it just ruins it for me. Uh huh, people can decide if a "black face" cookie and a statement that obama will get killed one day whether or not that's funny. You are so right CRS.
9:56, you should move on to another site.
And yes anon, it is up to the people to decide whether this is funny or not. I already said, in my opinion, its not right.
Some people have blown off what Joseph Lowery said as funny too.
The problem is people like you wish to censor everything and everyone. I can make up my own mind what is right or wrong and adjust my actions accordingly. If I was a customer I would not shop in his bakery but its not up to me to tell someone else not to shop there.
Its not up to me to censor pornography to adults. Its not up to me to tell someone how many kids to have. Its not up to me to tell someone whether to own a gun or not if they are a law abiding citizen who follows the rules of gun ownership.
You seem like you would be most happy in Europe or maybe even Russia where more often that not your freedoms are predetermined.
^ who the racist bakery owner? Or crs?.
10:06, learn to read and better yet comprehend what you read, did you even get 800 on the SAT for signing your name right?
You are full of shit crs you know why? Because when you post something on say kristin caverilli and someone leaves a negative comment you get so upset and respond back with such anger but hey this a free country if I think kristin is useless and not talented can't I not state that without getting my head chewed off by you?. So people can make fun of the president of the united states they can make racial comments and say threatening comments on his life and to you crs its a free country but lawd have mercy that its something bad about that kristin chick and you get all worked up!. What does that say about us as a country that people like you care more about some pointless white rich girl than our PRESIDENT?.
You said it before crs about bush when he had that shoe thrown at him he deserved respect. Barack obama is our president he deserves our respect he's not in office to hurt us he's trying to make this country a better place you may not agree with everything he does but he deserves our respect.
10:21, what are talking about? You can say whatever you want about Kristin. Jeez. Settle down.
Disagreeing is not disrespectful. It is essential to have disagreement for debate. If someone threw a shoe at Obama I would say the same thing.
In what ways is Obama trying to make this country a better place? One example is good but the more the merrier.
Just the name of the cookie alone I think is bad. If he did compare Obama eventual fate to Lincoln's that is disgusting and something for the secret service to follow up on.(That is just heresay, he denied saying it on Howard Stern this morning and the two ladies who said he said it are from Illinois so maybe they have an agenda). If we are talking about just the cookie, I think its in poor taste, but it is just a stupid cookie at the same time.
Crs, why did you never post negative things about bush? People are jobless, losing their homes, businesses are in ruins, men and women are in iraq dying everyday. Even when hurricane katrina hit bush took forvever to go and save those people they were dying and suffering but he took his sweet time. Some people even believe he was involved in 9/11 but I've been on this site for a long time and I have never seen you be so hateful to bush as you are to obama. What is obama trying to do? He's trying to fix all of bush's mistakes. He may not succeed but guess what crs he's only been president for a week he didn't create this mess bush did.
First off Bush was far from perfect. As a fiscal conservative, his spending was outrageous and infuriated many conservatives. So in fact I was critical of Bush. The blog has only been going for a couple years and the reality is when Bush lost the congress and the senate he was a lame duck.
The economy is not the responsibility of the President, the economy has ebbed and flowed since the beginning of time. Recessions are painful but normal and necessary. The people hurting most now are people that bought too much home and took on too much credit. Listen my 401k is half its value of late 2007 so listen i understand what pain is but I don't have an ounce of credit card debt and my home is largely paid off so while it is painful to see the stock market, I will survive and be better off down the road.
The recession if you have cash is offering you exciting opportunities in home buying, rates of 4.5% and home prices in many areas off 40%.
Men and women are dying in a Iraq, nobally and for you and I to protect this country. Was the intelligence on iraq good? No. The reality is we are there, we have a job near completion and we may have created a quasi democracy there and a new way of life that may in time spread across the middle east. Only time will tell.
Do you understand Barack intends to send the troops to Afghanistan? With no real mission or end game? Do you know history? Russia is much more ruthless than we are and ended up having to pull out of Afghanistan. Ask Russia what its like to fight in Afghanistan.
Katrina was an extreme disaster, a disaster that simply took time to get the resources in place. This is where you and I differ. Personal responsibility. Those people had days to leave so anyone that died, CHOSE to stay behind, they made a CHOICE. I own property in Ft. Lauderdale and understand the dangers of hurricanes. I make a choice to own property there and understand that hurricanes will hit the area.
How am i hateful to Obama? Is hateful hopeing he does a good job but at the same being weary of his inexpierence? Is hateful not bowing before him like he is a messiah? Is hateful questioning his actions? I would challenge you to find something on this website, from me, that is hateful towards Obama. I am not a giddy teenager who fell in love for the first time as many appear to be with the almighty Obama. Obama is a man, just a man and it remains to be seen whether he is even a good man.
What mistakes is he correcting? You speak in rhetoric and not examples or facts. You speak in terms of "I feel" instead of facts.
You obviously are someone who feels the government is a nescessity in their lives, the government is not responsible for my successes or failures. I am.
Gross. There is a difference between having an opinion, and being hateful. I dont agree with everything everyone does, but I would NEVER be disrespectful, especially via a public forum.
THAT is the beauty of this country - being able to believe what you one. It is quite another thing to grossly bash your opposing beliefs.
What mistakes is Obama going to correct seriously was that a real question?. You know what let's just agree to disagree. I know I come here for The Hills stuff and since obama took office its filled with negativity its getting old. Obama is president for the next 4 years let's all hope he does well and move on.
12:02, you seem the one unable to move on and you also to be weak in defending obama so just shut up, I know I for one am sick of your posts. Crs alteast offers a detailed position. You seem to whine like a child.
I know I for one will stop coming to this site. It seems to me crs defends herself by posing as other people very lame. Peace out.
1:52 stop saying your leaving and get to steppin, no one cares about your 9/11 and CRS conspiracy theories.
Its so funny that people get so worked up when someone doesn't like Obama, Obama won, you have the congress and the senate too, you should be celebrating. But to think everyone will be happy when 47 percent of the people voted for the other guy is just stupid. His approval rating already fell in one week from 83 percent to 68 percent.
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