It was exciting to see the masses turn out for Barack Obama and his inauguration as President.
They actually began turning people away from the square early this morning but the people still lined up on adjacent streets. It was exciting to see fathers and sons and mothers and daughters and families of all races and colors turn out to celebrate what they see as hope and promise in Barack Obama.
He was nervous and stumbled a couple of times as he was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts and he gave a speech that many will celebrate for years to come.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating Barack Obama or in cherishing the hope you believe he can bring.
But here is the reality:
Barack Obama will have very little effect on your life.
It is up to you as an individual to be a good person, give to charity, help your neighbors and strangers alike, go to school, pay attention in school, get a good job and work hard at your job whether you serve deli meats at the Publix counter or you clean the toilet or your the ceo of a company.
It is up to you to take care of your body, not do drugs, eat right and exercise. It is up to you to provide YOURSELF with healthcare.
It is up to you to purchase within your means, it is up to you not to take on more debt than you can pay back, it is up to you to have a sense of pride in paying back your debts. It is up to you to pay your mortgage.
It is up to you to take care of your family and your family members. If someone is sick in your family it is up to you to care for them. If you have elderly parents it is up to you to care for them.
It is up to you when you take a grocery cart to return it and not let it drift around the parking lot. It is up to you when you do see the grocery cart drifting around to grab it and it take it in. Have PRIDE in your community. It is up to you to not throw trash on the ground or out your window. Take pride in your surroundings.
It is up to you to keep your yard cut. It is up to you to keep the house painted. It is up to you to keep your home and neighborhood in good repair.
It is up to you to take care of your retirement. Start saving now in a IRA or 401K. It is up to you to pay for your medical needs in your later years.
It is up to you to not see color when you look at another person. It is up to you to help those around you and in need. It is up to you to smile. It is up to you to hold the elevator when someone's hands are full.
It is up to you to know right from wrong. It is up to you to teach your children right from wrong.
It is up to you to speak up or take action when you see others do the wrong thing.
It is up to you to make a difference in your life and the lives around you.
It is up to you, not Barack Obama.
It is up to you.
Hear hear maybe the smartest thing uve ever said on this blog!!
Personable accountability, what a crazy concept!
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