Looking at this group, you have a very mediocre group and Obama will certainly be the least expierenced of the group and in history. Certainly, no one in the picture could be labeled a great president.
George Sr. raised taxes and failed to have any real lasting impact.
George Jr. may very well be the best of the group, although he failed in many aspects, he did keep the country safe which is #1, without safety and security you have nothing.
Bill brought a new level of disgrace to the office with Monicagate and then lying over and over about it.
Jimmy is probably the worst of the group, he failed in every aspect of his presidency and quite honestly continues to be a disgrace out of office.
It will be interesting to see how Obama performs.
Let me tell you that these so called 'presidents' have been pre-selected before hand by secret insiders that run our country to fulfil their mission of world domination.
I know I may sound crazy but did you know that Obama and Bush are actually ninth cousins? Infact all these presidents are related to each other.
Obama will just be another puppet sued to create a NWO, (New world order) which is evil. Eventully there will be a new world government, laws that everyone must abide by, and death if you do not abide by them.
I know I may sound like a crazy loon but if you don't believe me type in google, NWO and illuminati. Please CRS read this.
PS. Obama= puppet just like the rest of the presidents except for JFK and Lincoln who were assasinated for trying to rebel against these evil insiders.
sorry 'sued' meant to be used
OH yeah, do you see how these western governments are trying to ban guns? This so no one can rebel against them.
NWO= fascism, communism= evil
^^put down the loco hot cocoa! If you take anyone to 9th to 11th cousins everyone is related to someone famous. Give me a break.
I'm not huge into conspiracy theories. I do think people need to get much more engaged into politics. Many of the people that voted for Obama will never follow anything he does moving forward. Many blacks voted for him simply because well he was black, many whites out of white guilt and to tell their friends look at me i'm so progressive i voted for a black man, it will go down as one of the sillier elections in history. Based on qualifications alone, McCain should have won easily. i do believe McCain was a stooge who did not want to be president at all. I do believe Romney would have beaten Obama quite easily.
I do believe we seem to be inching our way towards a global government which is scary.
I will say anytime a president is assasinated I do ask questions because I do not believe the assasination of a president is possible without inside help. However seeing Bush get two shoes tossed at him without any Secret Service intervention makes me wonder.
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