Monday, April 28, 2008

SPENCER Pratt and Heidi MONTAG swear an LC and WAHLER sex tape exists!

The Hills star does have a sex tape, says Spencer and Heidi...

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag of The Hills appeared on The Tyra Banks Show yesterday and stated that a sex tape featuring Lauren Conrad and her ex-boyfriend Jason Whaler does exist."I know for 100% fact it did exist – 1000%!," Spencer exclaims with vigor."From what I have heard from confirmed sources… her ex-boyfriend was going around trying to sell it," added Heidi.

Couple things, one, I do believe there is a sex tape. No one gets that mad over someone putting out a false rumor. Lc should just have admitted there was one and moved on. All of that said, its like shut up already Spencer and Heidi, your 15 minutes is up.


Anonymous said...

Who cares if theirs a sex tape or not? Maybe lauren denied it because she wanted to keep it private from the public which is her right to do. I'm quite sure she doesn't want her family to find out and I don't blame her she does have a little brother and sister looking up to her. Heidi and spencer just need to shut the fuck up already nobody cares about some stupid sextape its been over a year let it go!

CRS said...

Her family found out and quashed it with the help of jason's mom and dad. This is what Spencer says and i believe it. I figured that is what happened all along. Lauren's dad threatened to sue.

Anonymous said...

^^ I don't believe that bull. There is no sex tape. And if there was one that's pretty trifflin for Heidi to go on tv saying there is one but caliming to want to be friends with lc. I haven't see a sex tape so I don't believe it. I wouldn't believe ANYTHING Spence has to say. My cat could tell better stories. Lc didn't make me dislike Spence, I can see he is an ASS wipe and 2 douche bags all by myself :O)!

Anonymous said...

^^ I agree with all that I can't believe he's blaming lauren for making him into a villian...he is pathetic!and way to obsessed with lauren if you ask me.