Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time for some REAL TALK on GAY MARRIAGE!!

So Ellen Degeneres and Melissa Carter of the Bert Show in Atlanta are two examples of lesbians all up in arms because of the continued denial by the american people of gay marriage in the United States.

Here's the real deal, many people like myself have no problem with gay people and what they choose to do and how they choose to do it behind closed doors. The problem is in the fact that people like myself believe marriage is special and is reserved for a man and a woman.

The gays would be smart to stop trying to throw their gayness and what has become an obcession with these people to get gay marriage approved in our faces. Sorry, its not going to happen anytime soon. The gays would be smart to lay off the issue and let people come to terms with the more openness of the gay community in America. It's going to take some time. At some point myself and others may come around, I doubt it, but we may, but the more the gays push, the more we(the majority) will push back.

Maybe civil unions might be acceptable but marriage is for a man and a woman.

Gays, you have the same rights as me, you choose to be gay and gays can not marry. Blacks do not choose the color of their skin. Gays choose to lead that lifestyle.

And don't be mistaken, gay marriage has been denied by the huge majority of people, in most states 90% of the people did not want gay marriage.

Sorry but thats real talk.


atlgal2008 said...


Anonymous said...

you just want attention what's the matter? your not getting enough attention at home?

Anonymous said...

Agree, marriage is a man and a woman.

LMJ said...

Gays do not chose to be gay. They too are born that way.
I respect that a ministers can choose if he does or does not want to marry 2 people, but you and the state should have no control over who someone else chooses to marry.

LMJ said...


Anonymous said...

here in the UK civil unions are fine - no issues with those. civil unions should be practised everywhere imo i think that people should call their parters husband/wife after a union and get the whole benefits married straight people do, but personally i dunno how i feel about gay wedding.

being gay is not a choice. the only choice is acting on those feelings. and to not act on them means denying who you are which is never a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Really? So if I'm an alcoholic and I "feel" like having a drink and I don't then I am hurting myself - thats ridiculous - its just the opposite.

Anonymous said...

no, if you read correctly, they say denying who you are is never a good thing. would you consider denying that you are an alcoholic a good thing? i doubt it...

Anonymous said...

why do straight people think they can force their opinions on those who do want it in society?

Anonymous said...

Majority rules and this isn't just 51-49 its 90-10. Get over it. Gays wanting to marry is demeaning to the institution of marriage. If you want to be gay you should not be ridiculed or bashed for it but the privilege and its not a right by the way of marriage will not be extended to homosexuals. Its time to take the institution of marriage back from those that disrespect it as well.

Anonymous said...

Gays to not CHOOSE to be gay, just as we don't choose to be straight. If 2 people are in love and want to be married it is no one else's business but their own. I would rather see 2 gay people that love and respect each other marry than the straight couples that marry for stupid reasons do so.

Anonymous said...

You did it in a crude way but when you describe the grotesk acts the gays engage in it takes away this perception of gays as just funny and whacky. Will and Grace tried to spread false image of gays as does the gay couple on Brothers and Sisters. A lot of these gays engage in sex in random restrooms and with random people. Its sick.

Gabs said...

Ignorance much? Gays choose to be gay as much as I chose to be born female. Sexual orientation is NOT chosen. I think that gay marriage should be legalized but if a church does not want to marry a gay couple, that is fine. This is about acceptance. You guys say that it's not going to happen but it will. How long ago were blacks and women denied the right to vote? Weren't interracial marriages outlawed back in the day? This country needs to be more accepting. Marriage is between a man and a woman? According to who? Your Bible? Listen, church and state were meant to be kept separate and using that argument is mixing them. You say it's unnatural? Ok, give me your cell phone, your car, your A/C. All that stuff is unnatural. Homosexuals have been around forever, it's just that a lot of them don't come out because they don't want to be ridiculed by those around them. People are so hateful that they would even hurt them just because they don't accept them. Black people use to be hung from trees for crying outloud. The reason I love this country is because people have the right to fight for their rights and they do. Just remember, so many others have fought for their rights and won. It's only a matter of time before gay people are allowed to be legally married. Or I should say, allowed civil unions. They are citizens just like all of us, they pay their taxes. Denying one group of people a right that all others have is called discrimination. We all need to learn to love who we are and be comfortable with ourselves, then we can accept others. Gay marriages won't affect your lives! If you want to teach your children that it's wrong, go ahead. It's your right to teach your children values. Go ahead and spread your hate. But the up coming generations are so much more tolerant and accepting than ever before, so gay marriage will be legal in time.

Anonymous said... the "anonymous" person that said they "CHOOSE" to be are IGNORANT. My guess is you live in the little bubble of a town you grew up in and you've never left your zip code to go to a city and see and meet all walks of life. YOU DO NOT CHOOSE YOUR SEXUAL PREFERANCE. By the time you were 5, you knew which sex you were attracted to. Grow up, and get out more. It will do wonders for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another thing...I guess all gays are having sex in random bathrooms with random people and under filthy circumstances. I have never heard of a more close-minded statement...EVER!!! The reason that gays have to feel ashamed and sneak around is because of judgemental assholes like yourself. Yes...i suppose that is how it is...gays HAVE TO HAVE SEX IN BATHROOMS IN BARS AND GET figured it out. The reason that AIDS is so prevalent amongst this community is because there is more contact with blood during the act of sex. Get your fucking facts straight before you start making general statements about shit you know nothing about. Or, how about this..come to NY one of these days. I will be more than happy to show you around in the big, bad city to people you never knew existed. Then you can go back to your little freaking bubble with an education.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:08. Haha. Love your sarcasm. We should also accept murders because you know, their choices don't hurt anyone at all. While homosexual lifestyles hurt everyone around them.

Anonymous said...

Honestly wrong on SO many levels!!

1st - you choose to be gay? Please! Who would choose that life?! Nobody. Who would CHOOSE to be alienated, ridiculed, ect? Nobody. Did you choose to be straight? If told you had to love a woman (assuming you are a female)? I know I wouldn't be able - they heart wants what the heart wants.

2nd - marriage is far from a sacred act between a man and a woman. Right now, I could go to Vegas, get wasted, and marry a total stranger - legally. However 2 people who have been in a relationship for 30 years do not have the right?! And you seriously think that is ok?

If marriage is so scared, and people are going to be extreme - then divorce needs to become illegal! Simple as that.

Its such a freaking joke - and in 50 years is going to be viewed that way. Just like 50 years ago, some blacks couldnt even vote....and now we will have a black president!

Anonymous said...

Marriage is sacred, because a few clowns go and get married in Vegas doesn't make it less sacred, their are alwaysa few bad apples in anything. Difference is most gays are bad apples, why do you think their own families shun them, because they are sick, bad apples.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't with these comments! "Bad apples"??? Are you even serious right now?? Do you live on a prairie or something?

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad, more than angry, that people exist that honestly believe homosexuality is a choice, that that they do not deserve the same rights as others. ESPECIALLY the person who said they choose to be gay because its "cool".

While I agree, there are those college girls that make out with other girls to be "cool" - but those girls probably wouldn't consider themselves gay.

I have quite a few gay friends (I work at a hair salon) - and trust me....all the struggles they go through, they would NOT choose that!
They are good people, a lot even go to church. They would not choose a lifestyle in which they were teased so much when they were younger, that suicide actually sounded like a good option. They would not choose a lifestyle in which they are no longer welcome at family functions, and have to spend the holidays alone. They would not choose a lifestyle in which they can not hold the hand of the person they love in public, because IGNORANT people like you would judge them.

Being a good or bad person has NOTHING to do with your sexuality, it has to do with the way you live your life. And nobody has the right to judge the way you live your life except God. So if you think you're God, go ahead, keep judging. If not, just let people live....and try to be a bit more compassionate!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Where to start. First of all, maybe you should try using spell-check. Second, I fail to recognize how gay marriage affects YOUR life. Gay people are going to be gay and have gay sex and be in love irregardless, so why does it matter to you if they get married? Do you go to church every Sunday? Do you avoid profanity? Are you anti-masturbation? Do you repent for all your sins? Do you practice absitenence until marriage? All sins are equal in the eyes of God according to the bible. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I have been reading your blog faithfully for updates on LC and I am outraged that after loyal readership you would choose to alienate us like this. Keep your ignorant comments to yourself, and learn to spell.

CRS said...

My opinion is gays should not be married, if I have alienated you with my view on the subject of gay marraige than it is probably best you don't read here anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! EXACTLY! Stop the hate!

Anonymous said...

God will punish people for having such unreasonable hate in their hearts. That includes all those republican racists who wouldn't vote Obama just cos he's half black. You know who you are!!!

Anonymous said...

"Blacks do not choose the color of their skin" that statement sounds as if being born black is a bad thing black is beautiful. I wouldn't want to be born any other way. Sometimes the posts on here my me shake my head and I'm not sure if I should be insulted.

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you! I was thinking the same exact thing! It's pathetic.

Katie said...

If we want to protect the sanctity of marriage, then let's ban divorce.

Anonymous said...

I think its so funny the smae people preaching tolerence are the ones screaming for people to go to hell, pots meet the kettles.

Anonymous said...

to 8:16 pm, you STILL don't understand how to use 'you're' instead of 'your' when needed. You say YOU'RE so INTELLIGENT????? HAHAHAHA Btw God will send you to hell for your unreasonable discriminatory, ignorant HATE.


Anonymous said...

If you know its CRS than you should prove it dumbass rather than spouting off.

Anonymous said...

8:48, you are a fucking idiot. You're a clueless fuck! Take your opinions and shove em up YOUR ass!!

Anonymous said...

7:52, you got way too much time on your hands, I doubt CRS gives two shits about you and your opinion. They have an opinion, get over it.

Anonymous said...

7:52 is in love with you CRS!!

Anonymous said...

Who is CRS?????? Man or woman how old is she/he? Kids or no kids? What does crs stand for? Just curious.