Thursday, December 13, 2007

These kids make me sick and the only shame is it wasn't them who died in the Virginia Tech tradgedy!

Penn State, do the right thing and EXPEL these sick BASTARDS. Plaster their faces all over the internet so they are never hired anywhere. Force them to face the parents and family of the dead VT students. Those parents and family should be able to spit in their in f-ing faces.


Gabs said...

This is extremely disturbing. How on earth can they find that funny?

CRS said...

NO IDEA! Truly one of the most tasteless things I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Yikes...It's scary to think that anyone would find humor in such a senseless slaying.

Anonymous said...

it is a shame, what the hell were they thinking????

Anonymous said...

I hope karma catches up with all of them down the road