Monday, March 16, 2009

I have to say F**K YOU AIG!

This was maybe the poorest run company in the history of America and they want to pay $165 million dollars in bonuses when the US taxpayer owns most of the company? Anyone who reads here reguarly knows I am not a big fan of Barack Obama, but good for him for calling BS on this AIG nonsense.

AIG gradually needs to be sold off piece by piece. And if you work for AIG shame on you for not quitting!


Anonymous said...

Actually the insurance side of AIG got bonuses. The real scandal in AIG comes from another side that sells bonds-that side did not get bonuses. Do your readings, the people who got the bonuses earned them. The side of AIG that is crumbling and got the bail out, did not.

Anonymous said...

well, usually people who are wrong, feel the need to curse because they can't actually express what they mean to say. so cursing at me still has not changed the fact that aig was not collecting premiums. people bought bonds and the company can't repay them with interest. it has absoloutly nothing to do with insurance. premiums=insurance term.
good one.

Anonymous said...

oh and ps, i dont work for AIG