Thursday, February 21, 2008


Return of... The Hills!

Finally!! THE HILLS will be back on Monday, March 24th. Click here to see footage from the new episodes.

-visit link- - This link is the extended HILLS preview.

Lc is still so high school, if Audrina wants to be friends with Heidi, why is that her business?


Anonymous said...

Here's a better question why are we so obsessed with this damn show? Its like crack or something and were all crackheads dying for our next fix.I'm too old(24)to be caring about these kids but I can't help but like the show.

Anonymous said...

1. There's nothing else on tv thanks to writers!

2. We all need a break from our own lives.

3. We all want to see what happens to LC. Does she get married? What happens?