Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let's talk about REAL CHANGE......

Change is not simply running around yelling "Yes we can".

Change is not an unqualified black man or a a multiracial man being elected as President.

Change is ending our dependence on foriegn oil. Can oil still be a valuable part of an energy plan, yes, we should be buying all we can right now for the SPR at these cheap prices. But the real solution is using natural gas which our country is rich in to fuel our vehicles. It is using more solar in the south and southwest and west. It is using wind strategically in coastal areas and in middle america. It is creating a more efficient national electrical grid. Presidents for close to 40 years have talked about energy independence. You should be asking why we don't? In reality it is because these foreign oil rich countries give huge amounts of dollars to both political parties. We will never have energy independence until these contributions are not accepted. Also, you must realize that nations like Russia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Iran would face increasing instability if the US began to turn off its oil addiction.

Change is changing our approach to crime. Jail is not working. Jail is for murderers and rapists and other brutal crimes. I believe the best punishments would be fines and some type of physical lashing system. For example, a DUI, unless someone is killed or seriously injured, jail is silly. I would promote a system of a $1,000.00 fine for .08 and for each tenth above the fine would double, .09 would be $2,000.00. .10 would be $4,000.00, etc. You would also be subject to physical lashes, nothing so hard it would scar or break bones but painful. A Bernie Madoff, would have all his assets and his families assets seized immediately and sold to repay even a small portion of the money he stole. He would be paraded is his underwear for his sentence of lashes. To me this is far more effective then putting sweet Bernie in a country club prison.

Change is ending social security and medicare in their present form. These programs were never meant for everyone. Why should Warren Buffett and Bill Gates recieve medicare or social security?

Change is, if you accept any form of government assistance, food stamps, unemployment, and you have one child during this period of government assistance, as a woman you immediatly have your tubes tied, if your a man, you immediatly get the old snip snip. A major problem is children being brought into poverty day after day in this country.

Change is School uniforms become manditory in all schools. School is a job. It is not funtime. Too much time is wasted on kids trying to be cool with their boobs hanging out and their pants falling down, its not style, its stupid.

Change is kick the delinquents out of school on the first time they misbehave not the fourth or fifth. Change is to fine the parents whose kids can't behave.

Change is to fire teachers immediately who fail to teach the subject matter and achieve results.

Change is not hiring these someone with an early childhood education degree straight out of college. Early childhood education has become a laughable group of flunky's who can not make it in other majors. Teachers should be older professionals with advanced degrees.

Change is cleaning up the drug infested areas and housing developments in every major city in this country. Burn these rat holes down if necessary.

Change is hiring the best person for the job regardless of color or sex. Change is young people realizing tattoos are not acceptable in the workplace. Change is woman wanting careers and not jobs. Change is realizing you do have to speak a certain way to excel in business. Save the slang or better yet don't use it in the first place. Change is realzing education is nothing to be ashamed of.

Change is realizing sometimes profiling is necessary.

Change is realizing you earn what you earn and sometimes you can't afford a Range Rover.

Change is realizing when taking on debt you are promising to repay someone, you should take pride in repaying them always.

Change is reading a book, not listening to CNN or Fox to have your opinions handed to you. The purpose of reading is take in the information while at the same time forming your own opinions.

Change is choosing to buy healthcare coverage and not a new shirt or skirt or cd or fancy dinner.

Change is understanding terrorists do not care to reason, they care to kill you and as many people as possible. You can't talk to them.

Change is understanding the Middle East is a mess not because of lines in the sand or religion it is because these people are dirt poor and hot and pooping in the sand and hot and miserable, they don't have air conditioning, they are miserable. Until they have jobs and air conditioning and things you and I take for granted they will continue to lob bombs backs and forth at each other. Gaza has over 50% of its people unemployed. That is why they fight.

Change is saying NO to a treasury secretary who did not pay his taxes or in saying the tax code is so complicated even the treasury secretary can not figure it out.

Change is the elimination of the IRS and the institution of flat tax. Everytime you bought something you would pay a tax of somewhere between 18 percent and 23 percent. Some items would be excluded such as food, diapers, light bulbs, etc. This way everyone pays. No one can shelter money or be creative, you buy something, you pay a tax. Simple.

Change is in embracing the knowledge and in caring for our countrys elderly.

Change is understanding government is not the solution to your life problems, your are the solution, Barack Obama is not the solution to this country's issues, you are, I am, we all are!

Change is a commitment to recycling, just about everything is now recyclable, aluminum, glass, plastic, batterys, newspaper, magazines the question is will you make the commitment to seperate your trash and recycle it. Thats a change everyone can make today.

Change is not a catchy slogan, change is not easy, change is work, change is worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you make a separate political blog. I will no longer be visiting this site because I tire of your uninformed and ignorant opinions. Of course you are entitled to them, however, please choose between a hills blog and a political blog. The two don't really mix.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, then yes it wise you just don't come here anymore, you won't be missed. - CRS

Anonymous said...

Get lost already. You disagree with CRS. You think a blogger misses one person? This ain't Burger King it ain't blogging your way. You think your valuable, get lost.

Anonymous said...

loved your post!

Anonymous said...

These people like Rachel bitch because they are can't be successful without the government. They need the govt. To provide their healthcare, their retirment, a stimulus for their spending money, their retirement, a a home, food stmaps to buy their food. They hate that people like CRS promote individuality and hard waork and self responsibility. Because as long as their are people like CRS this country won't be socialist or communist. They hate when people point out obama is a man not a messiah. They hate when people point out Obama has a white mother and white grandparents who raised him. They hate change that involves work on their part. People like Rachel need CNN to give them their opinions prepackaged because they can't think themselves. Get the hell out of this country, go live in Europe.

Anonymous said...

amen to the 8:30 post!

CRS said...

6:16, glad you liked it, if everyone put some thought into things rather than just running around screaming "yes we can" then maybe we would get some important things accomplished.