Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanks OBAMA supporters for leaving THE MALL a big, crappy mess!

Here's a change for you, throw your damn trash in a trash can or if you can't find a can carry it with you and throw it out later! What a disgrace.


Anonymous said...

What would you expect, these are the same people who took all the W's off the keyboards when they left the whitehouse last time.

Anonymous said...

wow. Pathetically stretching for anything negative to write, huh?/ Do you honestly think it would have been any different if it was McCain rally? If you answer yes...then you are more delusional than I thought.

Whatever though. Its you're blog, your opinion.

My opinion though: its becoming annoying and pathetic.

Where do you get your info? Maybe I can just read it there....That way I dont have to read anti-obama headlines in between posts about Laguna herpes & Lauren Conrads clothing choices.

I'll get my worthless tv gossip from a worthless website & my politics from a CREDIBLE source.

Anonymous said...

10:49, I thought you were leaving, quit making your empty promises. Your a liar just like Obama, imagine that!

Anonymous said...

look in the back of the cartoon, thats 10:49, "Barack is my god"! AHAHHAHAHAHAH!

Anonymous said...

10:49, your so obnoxious and whiny that your turning anyone even remotely for Obama against him. Stop commenting everytime their is a post that even mentions Obama. The cartoon is actually funny. Stop pouting.

Anonymous said...

^Crs posts as different people. Someone called it out before but its true. Many people are fed up with the obama posts not just one person but hey we shouldn't get sick of it what did we expect? at the end of the day this is a site owned by a white blogger, that is all about rich white people and probably only gets young white people on here so we are outnumbered. The more things change the more it stays the same.

Anonymous said...

I actually always see CRS post as guess who CRS. Your just a whiner and obviously someone who is jealous of and hates white people. These people who trashed the mall trash their hud homes and government sponsored apartments every day. Your a sad pos who doesn't relaize how many of people are not pro-obama. Get lost and stop your pathetic moaning.

Anonymous said...

1:41 get off the public internet and go pick up your food stamps, you are obviously not one of scoiety-s achievers, you are a leech!

Anonymous said...

How can a white person hate they're own kind? But my step father is black you A hole. By the way if many people weren't pro obama um HE WOULDN'T OF BEEN VOTED THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!. DUMBASS.

Anonymous said...

Mcain lovers are the minority otherwise he would of been president!. Suck it up baby we have a BLACK PRESIDENT for the next 4 years! Go and cry yourself to sleep!. I'm directly talking to you crs!.

Anonymous said...

You do hate white people it doesn't matter if your white. And you for damn sure hate rich people. You obviously envy the rich and that's why you like obama because you need him to steal from the rich who work and give it you via food stamps and everything else. Your a joke.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhh, stepdaddy, stepdaddy there are people in the world that question the almighty obama, wahhhhhhhhhhhh, wahhhhhhhhhh, but obama is for change, stepdaddy, stepdaddy make veryone like obama!

Anonymous said...

This would have happened if this was Mcain, Bush or Clinton! It happens whenever and wherever there are large gatherings of people with inadequate trash cans, which was the case on inauguration day. Do we blame this on the Bush administration since he technically was still in power at the beginning of the day? *roll eyes* obviously not. As much as they tried, i don't think DC was prepared for the large amount of crowd which we can see from the trash, potter potties, metro lines etc

Anonymous said...

And by the way as a Bush and Obama supporter, I'm all for CRS expressing his opinions, its the comment section that bugs me...but i guess i can just stay away from that and concentrate on what i came for Lauren Conrad.

Anonymous said...

Martin luther king would be so proud to see a black man in the white house running this country. He had a dream and it came true!.

Anonymous said...

It's not about white or black...it's about a dumb blog posting irrelevant subjects...Now that's a CRAPPY MESS! Get off of obam's NUTS...Excuse me, PRESIDENT OBAMA

Anonymous said...

CRS and his fake friend are very negative. I feel sorry for 'them'.

Anonymous said...

It appears they are both real and right, Obama is a socialist and it shows more evry day. You probably like that because your a bum who one day will live in a cardboard box and call it home!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for CRS. It seems she is alone.