Friday, May 8, 2009

The POST OFFICE is doing a great thing tomorrow, MAY 9th, 2009!

The post office mail carriers are collecting canned goods and dry goods tomorrow, all you have to do is in a bag of some kind, put out any canned goods or dry goods, for example, canned corn, canned green beans, dry pasta, etc. and the mail carrier will take care of the rest. Just set the bag by your mail box.

The post offices are then going to distribute the food to help the hungry.

This is a great thing, so easy, similar to the Polo thing a couple weeks back.

Do your part, we have a few high and mighty people on this board, so get off your ass, shut your mouth, and help stamp out hungar.

The people that run their mouths the most in comments are the same people that don't do a darn thing!

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