Monday, September 10, 2007

The Hills girls at the VMA's, let me give you all some tips for next time!

First, Audrina no one wants to see your freaky tatoo all over your neck with your hair pulled up, you look ridiculous! Whitney work are your poses, your legs are always a jacked up mess when you pose! LC, the red lip stick and hooker heels with the straps coming up the ankle look like a cheap whore! Not to mention that god awful color on your nails!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Whitney looks like an ostrich. Do not like the bright red lipstick on LC. Other than that I think they look...okay. I would expect a little better than this consindering two of them work in the fashion biz. Audrina just seems clueless to me anyway so she doesn't surprise me!

Anonymous said...

Where is your Cisco and LC scoop! I think I have lost ALL respect for LC after that! She is one trashy skank if thats true! I think Cisco and Audrinas Justin Bobby look alike. Oh gessh I just threw up in my mouth little bit just even thinking about it! I would rather hear she made out with Spencer! I just may have to swith to the Heidi Spencer team!

CRS said...

Cisco is disgusting, particularly after the picture of his privates! That is disgusting!