Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanks for more posed photos!! This should help you pay the rent this month!

Christmas Tree shopping with Spence and Heidi, does it really get any better than this?


Anonymous said...

This website should be called I HATE SPEIDI you would get more hits spencers site is hit constantly. I don't know what lc did to you but she's a cool girl she was just trying to look out for her friends but it came off wrong. We are all guilty of the same thing I know I am my friends have all dated some asses!!!!! At least she doesn't fake poses all day long those two are so FAKE!!!!! I saw this on tmz oh the fakery!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think they look cute here

Anonymous said...

Why!!! No more Heidi and Spencer...okay just no more Spencer! Maybe if we all stop talking about him he'll go away. Let's boycott Spencer. I get a little sick each and every time I have to see him. He has got to be one of the most UNdesierable men in Hollywood. Are there any other guys that are uglier than him?....Didn't think so. Let's play who's uglier than Spencer...I got nothin!

Anonymous said...

billy bob thornton?

Anonymous said...

11/29/6:20 - you need to settle down, the blogger has explained before they dont actually hate lc or even know any of these people. Quit taking it so personal you psycho! Its a website, thats all it is! Your precious LC put HERSELF in the public eye!

Anonymous said...

if someone did hate lc, i could understand for sure!!